Saturday, February 4, 2012

What’s with Saint Lucia and Public Signage?



Anonymous said...

Good concerns, even though the article was a tad bit long.

Anonymous said...

The gov't must put in place a a phone #,so that anyone can call to report on the obversations that you have made.This level of backwardness is higly intolerable.Fix it NOW!

Boyblue said...

Good and relevant article. We definitely need a change of attitude andeduction of the masses about signs and their importance.

I would recommend the gov't should introduce aan additional $5.00 pn vehicle licence and 0.5 percent on insurance tax to finance a safety department within the ministry of communications. The finance collected should be solely for upgrading and maintaining signage accross the road network and safety improvement.

Anonymous said...

To the blogger above...

An even better idea is to raise departure tax more!

Or increase the airport redevlopment tax!

Or consumption!

Or the ruinously expensive duties imposed / stolen by customs!

Let's squeeze St Lucia until we all have nothing, businesses and drivers on their knees.

The problem is wastefulness by government, NOT the already too heavy level of taxation which is squeezing this feeble island economy into submission.

Better Days Ahead said...

great article i should have commented sooner... i for one among many lucians who are concerned over progress observe every aspect of poor or improper road signages and esp the very very poor maintenance of division directional painting and arrows on our highway is always visible in poor developing countries and hardly is that the case in developed 1st world countries..WHY?

I mean it doesnt cost millions to maintain and repaint etc esp for tourist who traverse or highways and byways.. we lucians are accustom to this but what about visitors? what do we think is going through their minds when they see small printed road signs and the lack thereof

I have yet to see a gov to implement any consistent maintenance of any thing in stlucia.. we need a dept solely based to maintain our road networks and 2 stop allowing pot holes to be fixed by small contractors who make it even worse and destroy the smooth driving on our roads.. esp secondary roads..

WE need large lighted billboards informing SEATBELT USE,WELCOMING SIGNS to our visitors,TRAFFIC SITUATIONS, CAMERAS, among others placed on our main roads