Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hotel Chocolat to Ease Unemployment Levels



Anonymous said...

Dreams, dreams, dreams.

Anonymous said...

happy people in the south will be employed if all this become a reality. But we are aware our coco is the best in the world and I got that from first hand information. An owner of a factory confirmed this and said they cannot get enough of our coco that sometimes they have to mix it with other coco. But are they paying our farmer the correct rate for the kind of coco we produce? our farmers should receive a decent rate for st.lucian cocoa.

These chocolate become millionaires on our coco, they cannot do without it. Government do your research its the truth

Anonymous said...

I think those two guys are honest and Saint Lucia has gotten to them, Fair Helen is embedded in every fibre of their beings...it does do that to some, you know.
A mix of business, altruism, empathy and respect for Nature and you get very good Karma. Good luck in taking chocolate and Saint Lucia to new heights.

Anonymous said...

When I was a Bus-Boy at the Holiday Inn back in the early 1970's, unemployment in St.Lucia was around 20%; today, with dozens of additional hotels, unemployment is still around 20%.
Maybe it's time to start looking towards other industries (construction, transportation, offshore banking, etc.) and stop relying solely on hotels.

Anonymous said...

Well said anonymous # 2 and to anonymous #1 you are right lol, DREAM, DREAM, DREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, DREAAAAMMM, DREAM DREAM DREAM.........