Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Messenger cries ‘Crucify Him’



Anonymous said...

Interesting,you signed the letter as:Quiet and attentive Lucian.

Your ideological message of Christianity does not allow you make your identity known in the land of the free, with 95% Christians.

I did not got the core of your argument,,,am lost.

Are you referring to the ideological shibboleths of ancient Rome.

Anonymous said...

The part I find most insulting was; quote “For the past five years Saint Lucia has had the misfortune of a messenger attempting to lead a nation of Nobel Laureates and intellectuals”.

This is a true and factual statement.

Look at the mess St.Lucia is in the 21 century.

As a St.Lucian is this who we are.

Anonymous said...

Quiet and attentive Lucian.

Quiet and attentive but one hell of a jackass or jenny ass.

How the hell do we put a mere clerk to run international business?

Compton put that broomstick in there and they tipped him into his watery grave Quiet and attentive Lucian.

You pea brain cannot see that the fools that Compton left in charge has condemned you and grandchildren to a life of misery?

What you stood outside in schoolyard and repeated what the children were repeating inside? Jackass!

Anonymous said...

"There was a time when a simple messenger who had risen to rule his country would have been a fine and upright example of religious piety attracting admiration, respect, veneration, praise, and reverence."

Now this is ridicule- are you characterizing the former PM with Jesus Christ? This is hopeless of you.

I only hope - Quiet and attentive Lucian - you're not a minister of religion -directing the lost souls.

This attempted sermon is cryptic - "The all seeing inner-eye reminds us that there will always be those who shout ‘crucify him’. Amongst these haters will be the messengers of our modern ‘high priests’ and ‘fat officials’ all empty of a loving spirit." -

Look around you!!!The church is lost,it cannot take a stand on any social issue, take one biblical position and stick with it in a land of darkness, prostitution, drugs and crime.For the sake of the youth how stiff can you be, I challenge you to take an upright stand publicly.

Anonymous said...

To "Quiet and Attentive Lucian", its no surprise that you did not print your name. Let me first hasten to say that I will "defend to the death" your right to say what you have just said here in your article, even if I disagree with your perspectives on the matter discussed. Similarly I will "defend to the death" Tori Fatal's opinions of Stephenson King as Prime Minister of the Land of "the Caribbean Laureates." I will deliberately not belabour my point and will therefore be brief. I quote you as follows: "There was a time when a simple messenger who had risen to rule his country would have been a fine and upright example of religious piety attracting admiration, respect, veneration, praise, .. reverence." The problem is, "Quiet and Attentive Lucian", Stephenson King as Prime Minister, did not give a damn about such qualities as "veneration", "praise" and "reverence", so I have to ask you to back-back with this feeble attempt to re-interpret what Mr. Fatal was saying. Like I said, I will be brief. Do you recall that the same PM King (whom you want to pretend that Mr. Fatal hates) sat in the Cabinet of Ministers, and participated as Chairman of a Cabinet Meeting that connived and illegally contrived to exonerate Tax Evader, Minister Keith Mondesir, from his abominable crime of tax evasion? In other words, stealing the money of the People of St. Lucia!! You do not need more examples, there are hundreds of them, all based in the sheer Stephenson King incompetence that Mr. Fatal was obviously talking about, and for which the people kicked him out of the Prime Minister's office on 28 November 2011! Reverence and veneration my foot! Stephenson King himself, in his heart of hearts, will be secretly ashamed of your petty response to Mr. Fatal's truth. PM King was, as Rick himself affirmed, "unfit to lead a troop of Boy Scouts", in a country of big men and women, and he had no place, incompetent "Messenger" that he was, being PM of "a nation of Laureates and intellectuals." By the way, in case you think I have a problem with Messengers, be advised that I am a humble Messenger in a leading Law Office in the city of Castries, and I perform my duties with pride, energy and dignity. Ask my boss. Stephenson King did not perform with pride, bravery and dignity. He was afraid of Richard, Bousquet and Chastanet, and was even afraid of the "Poodle". He performed as a damned coward. Continue writing the truth Mr. Fatal, for the truth shall set you free. CLAUDIUS.

Anonymous said...

In simple English...King embarrassed St.Lucians especially those who supported the UWP. He needs to give the reigns of Opposition Leader of de party UWP.

Anonymous said...

History will remember this well, that a foreigner from St. Vincent, elbowed out able St. Lucians out of his party, and made the way clear for real genuine, bona fide rascals from the US jail system, to become a foreign minister. He dis not expel him. Compton did not have the balls to do this. But he had the balls to screw up Anse La Raye and Canaries for years for not voting for him.

As someone was saying the other day, imagine a foreigner, not born here, coming into your own country and punishing you, for almost 30 years for not voting for him. Yet, St. Lucians worship this bastard!

That same foreigner, joined hands with a well-known drug baron and customs duty evader into his party just to gain power. Over 100 YOUNG people lost their lives in the drug wars that resulted. People were dying at a rate of 50 every year! History will remember this.

King sat on his big black ass and talked his usual sh!t and let that other sh!t talker guy, and nerg marwon Indian guy screw up the whole country!

UWP has been a curse on the future of the nice people of St. Lucia.