Friday, May 25, 2012

CDB Called To Be More Responsive


Anonymous said...

He does not understand development banking. How can there be a disbursement of loan funds, if there is inadequate funding amounts, from non-borrowing bank members especially, to onlend, in the first place?

If the bank is over-leveraged,would that not create a problem for it by the rating agencies?

Anonymous said...

The person who has cost St. Lucia billions of dollars in cost overuns and Rochamel, Grynsberg an increasingly bloated civil service is giving advise to the CBD?

Have we gone mad !

The blind leading the one eyed because the CDB is only the sum of its members including the economically illiterate Kenny Anthony and Phillip Pierre.

Anonymous said...

Remember as per the history of Phillip Pierre and Kenny in power we will only learn of the Rochamels and Grynsbergs they are doing today in about 10 years time - 2022!

Remember Rochamel and Grynsberg ?