Saturday, February 23, 2013



Anonymous said...

Best theatrical performance I've seen in these parts was directed by the deceased Athanasius La Borde. It was called Still I Rise, musical accompaniment by Sisterhood and LapoKabwit. The soundtrack to this was also spectacular. Can someone attempt a remake and sell the soundtrack at the show? Hopefully this proposed Jazz and Arts Festival will generate enough funds to give the arts a home, finally.

Anonymous said...

Anything involving Petrus Compton is bound to end as a death knell.

He is just way out of anything he puts his hands to.

From Senior Crown Counsel to Attorney General to too-loo-loo etc. etc. A bad failure.

First of all, his mouth needs a trap badly, to be placed upon it, if you ask me.

He is a disaster . And a waste. He too has obviously come to this realization. Now its Kolcha. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Young ladies, please stay away. Stay out of this. You don't want any babies out of wedlock similar to what happened at the Government Ministry. You are much too young for this.

Anonymous said...

When these old men going after the young girls, you know they into witchcraft.


Vieux nom sal. Salop.