Saturday, February 23, 2013

Independence without the Sir John Monument -A people wait


Anonymous said...

I hope they put that anathema in a graveyard where it belongs. He did not want his remains in our soil and you all want to build a statue?

Honest St. Lucians work too damn hard for their money. Not with my god damn tax money either.

Anonymous said...

i can see the hate in you ,let it go and you will feel better

Anonymous said...

The man hated Saint Lucias and he did everything in his power to screw the people. Politics aside, wonder why so many hate him today?

Anonymous said...

Sir John is independence. I think he died. Independence went with him.

You can fool most of the people most of the time.

You cannot fool all of the people all of the time,

Anonymous said...

@ February 24, 2013 at 8:34 AM

Whenever they put up the statue, you are free to go dance in front of it everyday, and naked if you will.

After all, isn't he your God?

Anonymous said...

The man hated Saint Lucias and he did everything in his power to screw the people. Politics aside, wonder why so many hate him today?
Wrong wrong wrong!!! Get a hold of your self hater!!

Like it or not Compton's statue will be erected with or without the government of St Lucia. Talk about people hating him? How about the thousand who still love him-jackarse!!

Anonymous said...

Wrong wrong wrong!!! Get a hold of your self hater!!
Get a hold of your skirt priestess!

Anonymous said...

Compton must have done what your father could't do for your mooda.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Compton must have done what your father could't do for your mooda.

February 24, 2013 at 11:03 AM

That one is losing it. Walked all over your head too, and you still respect him. Good for you sans honte.

Anonymous said...

The man seems to still have power over stupid Saint Lucians, even while he is in hell.

Anonymous said...

Compton was a great man. He was the only LEADER we have known. He cannot be compared. Even in death stands head and shoulder above the other Prime Ministers. Failure to erect his statue will not be able to diminish his greatness.

Anonymous said...

Put that god damn idol in a cemetery. Go worship your half-ass God there. Let the living get on with the sorry lives he created, jackass. Cannot be compared? Yes, jackass. Your great knowledge of leaders comes from the rumshops.

Anonymous said...

The best place to put that statue is in Micoud, better still in Mahoute estate where he still roam around looking for rest. There are enough of his offsprings there to admire him.I hope they don't use the Vat money to erect any idol anywhere for his worshippers to go praying for his reurection. The man is dead, leave him alone.

Anonymous said...

Even in death sort pare Compton? Boy SLP have a lot to be worried about. What fools!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

you hates could hate compton all you want what is done is done ,kenny cannot fit in his shoes and that monument will be standing tall and there is nothing you haters can do about it

Anonymous said...

Only black idiots like those in St. Lucia love to kiss the ##$$#$e of the mulatto hand-me-downs from their slave past. Build your monuments in memory and adoration of your masters.

Anonymous said...

John Compton Was a Rapist....FIJI Lamidon

Anonymous said...

a happy what? MY ARSE.

Anonymous said...

Go High water go low water it look like Compton is still intimidating to his foes. Ware what a sorry state. Some are still fighting against the ghost of Compton. I find this very amusing. hah hah

Anonymous said...

What tribe of Africans were most St. Lucians drawn from would explain the kind of @#$$-licking that UWPs are prepared to do to this very day, even to a statue.

Anonymous said...

How can any born and bred Saint Lucian with a deep and real sense of fairness and equity agree to pay for the erection of a statue to a man who never had the common decency by going on to victimize two constituencies namely Anse La Raye and Canaries for the 30 something years of his tenure as leader of the UWP and prime minister.

He was beau perre for the rest of St. Lucia and not these two areas because they never voted for his party?

How can someone who became naturalized and whose navel strings were not buried here, be so viciously hateful of, and so perniciously discriminatory against born and bred Saint Lucians when he was just an import?

Only spineless cowards and imbeciles would reward and accept such dastardly reprehensible behaviour from a foreigner.

Anonymous said...

By comparison how can the present prime minister who decended from the white plantocracy consistently ignores the needs of the people of micoud just because they chose to vote for compton and believe what he believed? There are micoudians who have been denied even higher educatioal opportunties by the prime minister only because they come from these constituencies. True reprehensible behaviour....

Anonymous said...

Some people are so bias they want to put all kinds of blame on Kenny and the SLP for their foreigner statue. They want us to forget UWP was just in office for 5 years. What will St Lucia achieve by a statue anyway?

Anonymous said...

I think history will be the judge of Saint Lucians, when this statue goes up. Some day there will be a Saint Lucian who will look at this peadophile and put a rope around his statue's neck and topple it like they did Saadam Housein

Anonymous said...

Please don't anger the people anymore struggling as they are with the travails of the VAT.

Put that piece of shit away on the man's estate. Make several copies and use them as line marks.

Put those line marks facing outside so that the children can see who fathered them.

Better still, it would be a kind gesture to dump this frigging piece of crap on the beach of the fisherfolk islet of Canouan.

Anonymous said...

Above, you made my, lol,lol.

My sentiments, exactly!