Thursday, February 28, 2013

No Disturbances Reported


Anonymous said...

Is HTS the Public Relations arm of the SLP?
Everytime you listen to HTS it is apparent they are simply covering for the Kenny Anthony/Phillip Pierre Administration.

They will start a piece appearing to question the SLP then go into a defence of government positions in 90% of the piece.

Or they will simply present the SLP position with a snippet of opposing views.

The media of the Western World is completely in the tank for the failed liberal/progressive/socialist failures in charge in a liberal world.

Anonymous said...

I am at a loss for words at the current state of affairs in SLU. It is my hope that I will see better leadership and policy development in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Good gosh, man! Can someone pray tell what this means?

"There were no civil disturbances over the two days of a sickout by public servants responding to a suggestion by President of the Trade Union Federation, Julian Monrose last Thursday that teachers could be sick because of the stance taken by the government in its negotiations with the Federation over salary increases."

I may not be the sharpest tack so can we keep the sentence structure simple? Is it too much to ask that a sentence have a subject, verb and main idea? Also, try limiting a sentence to no more than 10 words, pretty please. There's way too much going on here!

Anonymous said...

I didn't get that impression. But we can all appreciate that, given the size of this place, the media isn't truly free. I imagine that they rely on state imposed licenses and ads for their survival. So they must tread carefully, lest they upset a licensor or advertiser. There is only the illusion of press freedom. They must toe the line at some point.

Anonymous said...

I am at a loss for words at the current state of affairs in SLU. It is my hope that I will see better leadership and policy development in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Blogger #1. Others have asked the same question. The station seems to be under the influence of the esteemed president who presents himself as Labour Party's minister of disinformation and propaganda. I am aware of people who have made the switch to other available tv stations.

Anonymous said...

What? Must a strike coincide or be attended by civil disturbance? Since foreigner John Compton started this demagogic pattern in the 1960s, must it continue? Isn't time to show some maturity for a change?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm so the thousands of students who were at home being idle instead of being at school trying to learn was not a disturbance?

Blogger at 8:14 AM. I feel your pain. Sometimes, just trying to get through some of these articles can be very taxing on the brain, lol.

Anonymous said...

An economist in Government; speaking to the Press about St. Lucia's economic condition cannot be identified by Official designation and name? Interesting.

Stop continuing to make St. Lucia look like an ASS that lost its tail.

The world is watching on at the continuous ludicrous events taking place in the country.

The country can't afford that. The Country's leadership is sorely off-balance. And looks more like a farce; than reality.

Let people who are worthy of leading this country do so; and get the hell out you idiots.

Anonymous said...

HUGO CHAVEZ of VENEZUELA; did more than anyone could imagine.

And where is he now?

Lying dead somewhere; even after all his missions impossible in CUBA.

Can someone learn something from this recent event in St. Lucia?

Yes indeed! There is a greater POWER.

Check it out for yourselves.

Anonymous said...

In fact, I should have said Hugo Chavez died TODAY. The picture might just be a little clearer.

TAKE NOTE and PAY HEED. Power hungry rascals.