Saturday, June 22, 2013

Re-thinking taxing tourism


Anonymous said...

Taxation is a minefield for most of those that form the political directorate in these countries. They have no creativity nor hands-on knowledge of public finance, nor business, nor management. So where will their ideas come from?

Everybody is working from some sort of "fixed economic pie" model.

Public Administration capacity is at an all time low in the region.

Some are trying to graft certain concepts from the private sector, onto the public sector, only to butt heads with MPs who know precious little of the inner workings of either the public or the private sectors.

Anonymous said...

Yes,reduce the taxes on intra island tourism; but keep them in place on other destinations, until there is reciprocity.

Anonymous said...

What is the tourism spend from inter-island tourism again? Saint Lucians must think strategically and NOT emotionally.

Inter-island travel has NEVER been the same thing as inter-island tourism.

Examine the nature and characteristics carefully with respect to carriers, spending patterns, and lodging.

There are significant differences which require much greater calibration than our inept public services and ministers are capable of handing skillfully, or are prepared to address.

We can no longer base public and taxation policy on pure and unfounded emotionalism.

Those policies must be informed by rigorous data-based calculations and conclusions. We must avoid at all cost, the slippery slope of political stupidity and economic idiocy.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:38AM: For a data freak,you are sure tight-ass with numbers. You must stop regurgitating the same old us the money!!

Anonymous said...

@ June 26, 2013 at 11:30 AM,

The answer is very straightforward. If the job being done is not worth more, then it is NOT ever going to pay more. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it. Inhale, idiot. Inhale.