Thursday, June 6, 2013

SLP Tells Chastanet To Stop Dodging Questions


Anonymous said...

Tell SLP to tell its tourism minister to give us the figures and stop dodging too.

Anonymous said...

And so above, two wrongs makes a right. Correct!!

Anonymous said...

Two wrongs are just that. TWO frigging WRONGS.

Stop shooting shate! Wrongs? Then, correct them. Stop parroting your frigging colonial education crap talk! We have enough Saint Lucian parrots in the wild already.

Anonymous said...

A bunch of corrupted fools. Wasted money uselessly because they really thought people would buy their crap. Answer the questions you idiot.

Anonymous said...

SLP is equally good at playing "the artful dodger" too. Imagine that up to now the SLP has NOT, REPEATEDLY HAS NOT answered the critical questions related to: FRENWELL (cost to Saint Lucians? $58 million), BLACK BAY lost of land that originally belonged to the country (cost of the buy back purchase to Saint Lucian? $168 million), and the SECRET GRENBERG AGREEMENT regarding Saint Lucia's seabed (cost of legal settlement, the legal fees excepted, $500 million and counting).