Thursday, October 2, 2014

Out Of A Curse, A Blessing


Anonymous said...

Mr. Editor:

What your journalists now need to do; is to request an interview with the Minister for Health and the Prime Minister; and ask of them both; all the relevant questions necessary; so we the citizenry can analyze for ourselves; whether our country iis ready or not.

And if not; how long from now.

We should also know full particulars involved in the International Compliance Standards mentioned by the Chief Medical Officer. If we are to be compliant by 2016; what are the required standards; what action has been taken so far. When did such action commenced. How much time is left to meet all the international requirements. etc. etc. etc.

L said...

Well said Anonymous.

That is the only way the public can discern if what is being touted is actually taking place or just spin.

Ebola is too serious a world wide threat to have either the PM or Minister invisible behind the CMO or senior MO.