Thursday, October 9, 2014

P.M. For Washington Meetings


Anonymous said...

A-A, is there a need of an earpiece or headphone which translates economics into Belamb-english? Blessed are those who know that there is a real challenge. It is only most cannot see that. But if we have real mammoth square pegs in wrong holes, we are going to pay the price, as we are now, as all are being punished for our continuing, but incredible national ignorance. Better days!

Anonymous said...

KENNY ANTHONY ought to utilize someone with knowledge of finance and/or economics to be the Minister to represent St. Lucia at those meetings.

The man did not have a clue what a 'PUT OPTION ' is and we were left paying from our treasury funds; forty -five million dollars; now infamously known as the ROCHAMEL SCANDAL.

Anonymous said...

Is the side bar opportunity FOR POLITICAL-HEMISPHERIC REDEMPTION +with an exiting LAME DUCCK but traditionally empathic Democratic Party governance.

IMF world Bank are perfunctory bureaucracies. They operate by statistics oer rel data-nothing personal.
If your economy is in a sheet hole- they will build you the best updated Lavendar scented Latrinew
but with an uncompromisising latrine police force
On the other hands there are very many LUCIANS who gladly sing or whisper the praiswes of GOD BLESS AMERICA and the opportunities it has showered on them

America is still in Woosdrow Wilson auto pilot mode as far as the western hemisphere spins.

St. Lucia never had the margins ledger or otherwise for political or economic errors as that enjoyed by PEron, Pinochet et al.

Reality check impinges or behooves upon leadership to take advantage of this democratic party governance (expect none from the reactionary conservative if not hawkish as in punitive Republicans-and rightly so).

Humility /atonement strategies are very real strategies that may garnish US empathy and eventual direct amicable support.

To await the possibility of a Republican led resolve to align the hemisphere in thew vision of Woodrow Wilson will be far mor puynitive than the expected calculated knee jerk financial constraints mandated by the IMF and World Bank

Its fiscal "High Noon" a la Randolph Scott and time to sic "toss the luncheon salad"- gleefully!