Sunday, October 5, 2014

Save on your Alcohol

1 comment:

Son-of-man said...


I have a zero tolerance for "Double-talk" or talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Your claim Alcohol is the "life of the party" while killing 88,000 people makes no sense, and I will not detail the other "benevolent" results of alcohol consumption.

Samee, Russian Roulette is also a lot of fun, and is guaranteed to take away the boredom from any social assembly - as for me I'll take my chances with Russian Roulette, since there is ONLY a 17% chance of blowing my brains out of my head, whereas with alcohol we have a 100% guarantee of brain damage.

What about Cocain, and Crack? that's also a boost to parties. But, what I find most offensive Sam, is your detailed instructions on "How to get MORE ALCOHOL for your buck."

What's your problem, garcon? are you a doctor of medicine who has fallen on hard times, or are you a Rum shop owner?

Look Samuel, the last thing Lucians need is More intoxicants. Save your instructions for the people who turn alcohol into the Blood of God, but spare us the "How to load-up on Drugs"