Saturday, April 11, 2009

PP’s - Have Become a Problem



Thommo/ said...

Where has this guy been along. He is just begining to realize the effect of partisan politics on our development and a country.
I come away thinking that he is a UWP government apoplgist but I am not going to hold him to task for that, its his prerogative.

The nature of politics is polarising Sir. The Labour party is doing what every opposition does. Take the government to task if they feel that they are falling short.

The Mr. Chou computer fiasco is of Mr. Mayers, the UWP and Mr. Chou's own doing. They could not see that they were violating diplomatic protocol? Give me a break.

As for the opposition members of parliament who bellyache about the assistance the Taiwanese are giving to St. Lucia I say, suck it and shut up. If they are violating diplomatic protocol in so doing that them to task. Leave out the hyperbole and the stupidly sounding empty threats.

I am not at all advocating that the opposition should be opposing for opposing sake. They opposition should be targeted towards inane policy ar lack of policy, poor governance practices, inaction in the face of the many challanges that beset our country.
The opposition must be practical, realistic, principled and fair. They must also provide the electorate with their own more enlightened view of the policy they are criticizing.

This government is not immune to criticism. As a matter of fact, no government is immune to criticism.
As for you Sir stop the handwringing and the fake outrage.
Get a hold of yourself.

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with politics is the fact that politicians often forget the reason for being hired. Their ego often comes between themselves and their duties.

Anonymous said...

The problem with politics is that we still have men like the writer singing for their supper which will perhaps never come. I do agree with a small fraction of what was said but its so tainted in harsh bias that I find it awfully difficult to agree with. The writer, who is supposed to be a political scientist, should endeavour to be a bit more scientific and objective in his contributions.

Anonymous said...

Of men and politics the agony of St.lUCIA.

Anonymous said...

It's such a pity that Springs is unable to analyse the issues the way his brothers Winston and Cletus Springer do so easily. It's really quite a shame for a Grass Street "homie" to be so incapable. Grass Street produced some bright boys in our time, including Didicus, Cletus, Gandolph and so many illustrious others. Because he refuses to, or is incapable of analysing, he comes off as a paid mouth-piece consultant for the Flambeau Party, a Jook-Bois type. He wants to make some good broad points, but if he would only analyse, then he would, for example, have briefly informed the people of the undiplomatic, outrageous, outlandish and insulting blundering that Tom Chou's modus operandi constitutes. Tom Chou's brand of diplomacy SUCKS and INSULTS every Saint Lucian. No one, not even Michael Gordon, remains uninsulted by Tom's shameless and undiplomatic maneuverings. If only Springs was analytic, he would recognize that. Every undergraduate in International Relations and Political Science knows this, except Springs. And the trouble with that is, he is dooming his brothers, nephews, nieces, and the rest of his family, a family of truly bright folks, to be branded as simple UWP hacks, given the history of the Springer family of Grass Street. I was born at Marchand and I knew the Springer family well. DONNA.