Saturday, December 5, 2009

1000 Words



Zeigy said...

It's Christmas everyday for those poor people. They get free handouts from charitable organisations and people.

Are we supposed to turn a global tradition of giving, excess and a boost to the economy into another fund raiser for have nots?

Anonymous said...

ZEIGY, you er tired of talking foolishness ? How can it be christmas everyday for poor people? Read your 2nd paragraph and see if it make any sense to you because i read it three times and i cannot understand what you are saying.

Zeigy said...

Okay, first of all the picture is supposed to play on our conscience, making us think of these people during Christmas time.

Is the artist implying we need to give to them during Christmas time? Is it because we only wait until Christmas to give to poor people or that we don't give to the poor during Christmas? What about all during the year when we pass homeless people on the streets and we give them five dollars or we give the fellas in the boulevard one or two dollars for pointing out a parking spot for us? Do we wait until Christmas time to give to these people? No, we give to them all year round. Just this afternoon an old woman asked me for some money, last week a guy asked me if I could spare him some change. So what is so special about Christmas time that I should think about these people anymore than I do all year round?

Anonymous said...

In the picture there is nothing about giving, it implies that there are some people who has everything for christmas while some has nothing, they are homeless and begging. They are being ignored by those who have, because the lady is telling the child who has all his toys, to look in front of him and do not even look at the homeless beggars.