Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For the People, by the People



Anonymous said...

Collectivism is a backward. It brings about an enforced uniformity that is untenable in the long run. It also creates a dependency where people expect others to take care of them. In the end its built-in frustrations facilitate revolution. Repackage this.

Anonymous said...


Kensley Peter Charlemagne said...

I must be a prophet. Just before opening this blog,I was telling my wife what the tone of the comments would be. This is a call for change and so I expect the opposition. Your contributions here is internal opposition at work and helps to inform the process of change.

Kensley Peter Charlemagne said...

@ Anonymous#1. I think we are looking at collectivism from different perspectives. Where did you deduce from this article the idea of enforced uniformity? Far from it. Partisan politics if anything is the incubator of enforced uniformity. George Odlum was considered a renagade for speaking the hard truths in the 2000 budget debate. Three senators were fired for not fulfilling the party's agenada and Rufus Bousquet was fire for dealing us the Taiwanese. Dissension and party politics? Now?

Collectivism may create dependency. Divergent collectivism promotes independence. Many votes are cast because of our dependence on politicians for the favour that they can show to us.

Anonymous said...

My argument is that this concept is being cradled in the highly unresponsive and hostile environment of collectivism. It is not inherently conducive to innovation nor the individualism with sense of independence that St. Lucians need.

If you modify the word collectivism adding something antithetical like divergence, the offshoot is a forced and unnatural graft that will experience great survival challenges.

'If the fowl is fat, feather it' mentality is a St. Lucian attitude of waiting for a fat fowl to pass by or come along -- our borbolist mentality. Pull up yourself by your own bootstraps is not an essential part of St. Lucian thinking, and outlook on life. An aspect of your divergence I interpret.

Collectivist societies are inherently backward, stifling opportunity and development of one-half their populations, their female population. You should reframe your concept. It does not relate to a total socio-economic framework that would lead us away of our dependent-minded and mendicant-minded approach to life.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mr. Charlemange's comments, what is current isn't working so why not try a model that at least has the electorate at heart. Party Politics is often corrupt, non transparent, and disingenuous. More too the point on this island one party discriminates against voters of another party when they are in goverment, this is totally out of order and a human rights abuse. It shouldn't matter that they are UWP, SLP etc when they are in goverment they are there to serve all the people not just those who voted for them. This system is not working have the courage to be more free thinking and vote for an independant candidate who has more imagination than most.

Anonymous said...

The idea of independents is most fascinating. But you know what? That kind of thinking belongs to people who are MATURE! St. Lucians behave like children.

Listen to them. They say things like 'Daddy Compton'. Do mature people need a daddy or a leader?

I am all for independents. Our friend is perhaps way ahead of the rest of most of us. Sad but true.