Thursday, March 24, 2011

Govt Engages ECCAA Again



Anonymous said...

Allen Chastenet should now realise that he has lost ALL credibility to speak on ANY issue in St Lucia or the region in realtion to Tourism and otherwise. If he is delusional may I remind him that the highest court of law found him guilty of lying under oath and was not a credible witness in the Tuxedo Villas matter. Whether we want to skirt around the issue or address it; this is hampering Chastenet in getting any legitamacy in the matter with ECCAA. I pity Mr Preville a credible individual who is now placed in the forefront to try to broker a deal or to soothe the impasse that currently exists. Politicians MUST begin to realise that they are dealing with an ENLIGHTENED nation or nations and what passed as the "status quo"will no longer hold with the new critical thinking and discourse of generation X.

thomspin said...

Where we go again. Attack the messenger and not the message. We need competition in the airline industry. It is ridiculous the fares we pay to travel within the caribbean region.It is time ECCAA change their outdated policies which prevent airlines from operating profitably within the region. This old boys network which presently exists has to change in order to encourage new airlines to operate. The reason why no Airline can operate successfully in the region is because ECCAA requirements puts a financial burden on new carriers trying to start operation. Liat is a perfect example. They have been operating in the region for over fifty years and still cannot make a profit. It is time the governments begin to address the problem instead of taking tax payers money to keep these regional airlines afloat. After we put monies into these airlines we still have to pay exorbitant fares to travel on them.

Anonymous said...

Are you guys aware that Liat 1974 started operations with liabilities of some $35m.