Monday, March 14, 2011

Is abortion the last resort?


1 comment:

Caribbean Lady said...

Not to be rude but was this written by a 12 year old? Just asking because the tone and the reasoning seem pretty simplistic - like a school essay more than anything else.

That said, a few points. 1) As far as I know, abortion is not a crime in St. Lucia anymore, having been legalised by the last administration. So the fear-mongering argument that "abortion is considered to be a crime" holds no water.

That said, I know at least 5 instances where young ladies had abortions and while it weighs on them even now - more than a decade later, in 4 out of those 5 instances, it was the right thing to do.

Two were actually raped and already suffering that trauma and still do. To add having to raise a child on top of that would have been good for no-one. In these and the other 2 cases, neither them nor their families had the resources or maturity to raise the children properly and it would have ruined their lives and condemned any children they had.

I'm pregnant right now but I will say that people sentimentalise child birth - say it is a miracle and so on. The fact is, it is a normal animal function that the vast majority of breathing creatures on this earth can do - and pretty damn easily for the most part! With 7 billion humans on earth, there is no shortage of us or chance of going extinct.

Encouraging girls who are not ready to bring a child into this world is irresponsible - adding to the vast human suffering that already exists. Teenaged motherhood or motherhood that comes out of rape or motherhood at the expense of the woman's health or life (3 reasons for abortion) rarely turns out well for mother or child.