Thursday, March 3, 2011

LPM: stop blaming the youth



Anonymous said...

The prime minister is very much asleep and needs maybe some bayer to get himself together.
Why can't he called election now because he can't govern

Anonymous said...

There is development and there is development. There is social development and economic development.

SLP decided that its economic development was to be measured by how many edifices were constructed. The non-economist SLP PM decided that he should prime the pump and sit back and get a multiplier effect from purely a short-term vocational programme paying a stipend!

Mee desagrayment! De man ehn know what he was doing! He ... up to now ... ehn know bullfoot from bullcow about any priming any pump and any multiplier in a Caribbean economy. That's the weakness of lifting ideas and concepts straight from A' Level College textbooks and attempting to apply them to the local economy. You have to know where you are going, they say. Or, any road will do. And they doh teach economics in law school.

Yes. The youth are looking for vision and a well-designed plan to take care of their needs. STEP is not one of these. Passing the Labour Code will help with issues of equity. But like STEP it seeks redistribution of the already thinly-sliced economic pie.

SLP disappoints. With all the hoopla about having PHDs two for a penny as candidates, it has NOT shown any skills in designing a programme that addresses the thousands of young people leaving school each year with no jobs to absorb them, nor activities to develop them.

It is time we elect politicians who can do better than just SAY that they can or will do better than those in power.

They must show a plan. They must be CAPABLE of discussing that plan. That plan must be more than fixing bad roads and putting up lights and getting water. WE ARE NOT IN THE COLONIAL DAYS ANYMORE. That is what the British did for years when we were a colony. The burden on the young, and the growth opportunities for the young must be right up there with all the useless purchases of buildings from party supporters who will use the exorbitant prices and rents paid to fund their elections.

SLP and UWP have treated the youth with studied and benign neglect. When the most attractive occupation after leaving school is drug trafficking and the youth engage in it for want of something more attractive and rewarding SLP and UWP should 'stop blaming the youth'

Anonymous said...



It's whats in your heart, not your head.

Anonymous said...

Since when we are putting down education qualifications? Are we teaching our youth that it is a sin to earn a PHD?

Armchair Anonymous said...

Politicians love to lie to the people - and the people accept it!! Show me an honest politician, who does not lie, cheat, steal, lie, steal, cheat ... WE LOVE IT!!

An honest politician would DIE in this quagmire we love so much. He/she would get no respect!!

Anonymous said...

There are so many small-minded (bouchayy) people in St. Lucia, boy it hurts. Look at what they have done. They give us complete idiots to represent us. Then we dance, drink rum and eat chicken and we expect the country to be be run properly. Notice, we have a real jailbird in parliament. That is what the voters say is an example of all of us. They put a drug baron in parliament. Our streets and neighbourhoods are oozing with BLOOD.

This is what we have saddled our young people with, as representatives who and what we are. Then we blame the young people.

Frederick's dummy, our so-called PM laughs at those who have fortitude and knowledge to gain a PHD. Our ignoramuses, like him make jokes about gaining a PHD. That one does not even have A' Levels my God. Yet, he is given the responsibility to run a country. See why he runs his mouth instead? That's his skill.

Unless we wake up, we will be fighting like dogs just not to fall below the living standards of Haiti.

Anonymous said...

What is in Bruce Tucker's heart and head? Is this not coming out in the bank account holding the financial aid he claims he got for St. Lucia? How comes some of those funds never went to the Consolidated Fund?

Anonymous said...

The young people of Saint Lucia are a vital pillar to strengthen democracy and good governance. It is through the young people of Saint Lucia that the dynamics to development and growth will emanate.

Leading world economies are moving towards an education system of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S.T.E.M) and a workplace philosophy where the jobs of the future will be.

In retrospect if knowledge is the currency of the future, Saint Lucia will have to gear its education system to produce these knowledgeable workers for the jobs of the future – bio tech; green tech; Information and technology; research and development; civil aviation; science, etc.

Things have to change in order to fix our education system and the infrastructure. Give yourself the opportunity this election. Vote for change.