Tuesday, March 22, 2011

OECS Member States move towards developing the first Common Tourism Policy for the OECS



Anonymous said...

Plse count Chast out of that, this man does not believe in cooperation. It's a one man show.

Anonymous said...

Soufrierians are not interested in returning to love Massa. Look how so many of us still wish that our kids and grandkids were made in the likeness of Massa!

“A man’s word is his bond!” and the hatching out a secret arrangement that is in place with the false hope of Allan wishful thinking is equivalent to a male papaya tree bearing edible fruits.

History has shown us, again and again and again, how the people react to secret arrangements. Still politicians refuse to learn!

Allan is look for more power for himself, whether or not with the best intentions, see how he tried to sell the queen’s chain, that deal was blocked, the green law firm is idle, not enough lands sale going on in Soufriere as anticipated, though there is lots of pressure on home owners in the area of high street and bay street to sell…

But just one difference this time the slaves will not do the hard back-killing work for the masters to profited from their sweat and toil.

Election 2011 soon come! And we hope you return to Soufriere as often as you do now.