Thursday, March 3, 2011

Scotia Bank receives bomb threat!



Stan Bishop said...


Kwaku said...

Was a bomb discovered? And if not as is usually the case what happened next?


Anonymous said...

Blogger No. 1 and 2, Don't ask again? Don't ask whether a bomb was discovered? Analyze why Scotia Bank.

The Society is getting very restless with what they interpret as hypocrisy. In other words, HE-PAR-CRASS-E. People react in various ways, when they cannot really face the System squarely in the face.What the people refer to as BABYLON. TANTO, TANTO. That's the beginning. I analyze every event very carefully, and take nothing for granted. We who can or are seen as being able to make a difference, must always be careful to act, and behave, at all times, and in all circumstances as upholding justice, truth and righteousness, for all. STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT, REGARDLESS, NOT SELECTIVE wrong, depending on who the individual is, or for that matter selective amnesia, when it suits some of us, on a particular time or occasion, to REMEMBER.

We are now all viewing the World Wide Web. Take heed.