Saturday, March 5, 2011

To Hang or Not to Hang?



LuciaBoy said...

Here's my take on capital punishment. It is not a deterrent for murder as much as five years imprisonment has never been a deterrent for larceny or breaking and entering.

The concept of the punishment fitting the crime is the raison d'ĂȘtre for capital punishment. Some depraved psychopath who comes to your house with the premeditation to brutally murder you and take what you have worked so hard for all your life, should not be given the privilege of three squares and a cot, and medical attention on the tax payers dime.

The accused must be given legal representation and be assured a fair trial, an opportunity to appeal his death sentence. Once these have been exhausted within the maximum time frame according to Platt & Morgan Privy Council case then the state should go ahead with the execution in as humane a manner possible.

Capital punishment, and the operative word is punishment, should always be an option for the AG in the case of wanton, egregious, murder.

To the extent that we can achieve that goal in St. Lucia, will depend on how effective the police are in apprehending the perpetrators and the AG's office successful in prosecuting the cases and getting a conviction.

Anonymous said...

Kenny makes a public a public confession! In the talk-back, the following is what I blogged. Alas, the star, with all his transparency talks, never publishes my blog, though it was written yesterday, still awaiting moderation, yet, people who blogged today, their blogs are permitted and not censored, as mine is...

Why are you, the Star, so obsessed, with Kenny Anthony?

I mean, isn’t there enough (negativism) going on in the present UWP to make the public aware of?

Week after week, it is Kenny, Kenny, Kenny. I am starting to loose respect and confidence in your reporting, as it is becoming clear that it is not objective, but rather biased.

Please let us know of the ills, too, of the present administration, that is, if you can.

I hope this is not libel and will not be censored.