Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Election Budget … who’ll pay how much to get it done?



Anonymous said...

they will get the money the same way Kenny use to get his during the years of his inflated budgets.

Laborian said...

Please provide the means by which the government can use its imagination to "decrease the price of its fuel revenue from $3 to $2" like the opposition and others are asking. You so insidiously noted that VAT is on a back burner and that you have no idea where the finances will flow from to accommodate the budget. Yet you advocate for the government subsidizing fuel. Your mental faculties seem not to be in line with reality. For in order for the government to do such, sacrifices will have to be made elsewhere (education, healthcare???)

Why not investigate and expound on how the other countries accomplished such, and whether they can really afford to. We as a people need to be more accountable for our actions; it is not the responsibility of the government of the day.

Anonymous said...

I will answer for him.....the same way that the cooking gas is being subsidized!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The last I knew...St Lucia did not own any oil fields. If there are any please notify the nation.

The other thing is that, when are we going to stop this BS of promoting a welfare state? Does a government have to provide subsidies everytime the world prices go up?

Where is St Lucia getting its revenue from. Isn't a large portion coming from begging foreign countries? If so, how the heck in the world does a country that has little means continue to press their government to offer subsidies.

Last week I flew to Florida and the price of gas over there is nearly 450 a gallon...

Is America can't hault the pain at the pump--tell me how is St Lucia going to do better?

We must leave politics at the doorstep if others are to take us seriously.

Laborian said...

To Anonymous #2, you would rather the gov't subsidize fuel (for vehicles) similarly to cooking gas? Where will the revenues come from to make up for such a subsidy? Does more people not benefit from cooking gas subsidy (is it not being more considerate to the plight of the poor)?

Remember that owning a vehicle is a luxury, not a necessity for most people. Walk more, bike more, drive less, use public transportation.

To subsidize the mini bus drivers is even more ludicrous. We all work and are faced with increased expenses (price of goods continue to rise). However our income remains stagnant. Why should mini bus drivers think they are privileged?

Please look in the mirror and determine how you can decrease your expenses rather than seeking handouts; feeling you are owed something

Anonymous said...

Managed to see exerpts of Kenny's contribution to the budget and all I could think of was :

"Get off your high horse,you ridiculous poseur !!”

Everything for that man is smoke and mirrors !
As he uttered every word I thought back to his tenure as Prime Minister, the utter failure to utilize the people's money properly, the cost overruns, the vile manner in which his arrogant posse played the country as idiots. The fact that year after year he came back to borrow more and refused to explaing what happened to the money the previous year. Was it utilized efficiently or not ! NCA failure, law and order failure, agriculture failure,

His only concern that appears to come across in his budget presentation is the anger he has that he is not the one involved with government money and doing the allocations. You get he impression it is his money that Prime Minister King is allocating.

What a poseur !!

Anonymous said...

Notice he cannot refer to Prime Minister King as the Prime Minister. Only as the MP for Castries North.
Arrogance !!

Anonymous said...

Wish that the UWP's, SLP's, LPM, NDM can read this article with an intelligent and tactful mind. I am mindful that the current administration is a weak and ineffective group of men (no female representation) that continue to drag this country to its knees, begging for cramps at the tables of King and his men who are fortunately benefiting from 2million US dollars every year.

St.Lucians are not foolish...I know I am not since I cannot out of a good conscience to ever support the UWP.

Anonymous said...

@ANONYMOUS above! I will choose arrogance and educated over lost semi illiterate. OH AND BY THE WAY HE WAS APPOINTED TO BE PM.

Anonymous said...

lead story: Desperate Guy


Anonymous said...

Notice Kenny likes to refer to himself as "the former Prime Minister". Arrogance. He misses the power and authority that comes with the position. So he will seek money from the Chinese to try to get the work done. What a disappointment awaits him come next election.

Anonymous said...

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." - Cicero, 42 B.C.
Oh blind St.Lucians...hear the voice of Cicero

Anonymous said...

What's the point you are trying to make, Bozo?

Anonymous said...

That was funny.
That Cicro quote could go for just about anyone and does make you pause.

But "What are you trying to say, Bozo !!!"


Anonymous said...

What are you trying to say Kenny !

What are you trying to say Rufus !!

Anonymous said...

St. Lucian politicians are just a clueless as the population the govern regarding the future. See how they lining their pockets in face of the hard times ahead but leaving their followers in the lurch?

Anonymous said...

Kenny is just too arrogant. Notice he did not attend parliament on the last day of the budget; notice his presentation was a mere excepts from his party's manifesto. He could not countenance the rebuttal. He thinks he too big for saint lucians so why give him another opportunity to represent us?

Anonymous said...

The budget was a simple shopping list. Notice the MPs were simply crying out for money to get things for their constituents. After all it is an election year.

The so-called debate was absolutely pointless. UWP has the majority it can pass any kind of budget it wants. There is always money from the treasury or from Taiwan. As long as we collect taxes the government has money to spend.