Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nature Remains Patient


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This column should be headlined, "CONFOUNDED, PROFOUNDLY, BY A PROFESSOR AND A PASTOR"

Your name calling and general denigration of each other fuels the unhealthy conflict that you are engaged in, rather than resolves it.

Science as represented in this column by Mr. Dolor is as confusing and disorienting as religion represented in this column by Mr. Castang. Both, apparently, is the opium of their respective masses; doomed to failure.

The failure of our youth to incorporate the competencies necessary in order to resolve conflicts in non-violent/physical/aggressive ways, without belittling the other party verbally or otherwise rest squarely on our shoulders.

The youth copy everything that we do, everything. Their learned behavior is based on our actions, most of it. Our lack of interest as adults to live like we preach and teach is crippling future generations.

Pastor and Professor can do better than this. Professor believe you me, I KNOW you can do better.