Friday, May 4, 2012

Grynberg takes Gov’t to Court


Anonymous said...

Your so called contract was not bug off.

Anonymous said...

Fat cats passing bucks from one to another.
Go see if you have bread for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

Charles Fleming for Prime Minister. These guys could have never bluffed us with him as PM. Both King and Kenny are virgins in international finance and politics. Watch out for the next fiasco.

Anonymous said...

The only thing not in dispute in St. Lucia is our air space. We have to buy back our land for $55 million, our sea-bed for $500 million. Both PMs hands are dirty.

What's next? Our air space?

Anonymous said...

The only thing not in dispute in St. Lucia is our air space. We have to buy back our land for $55 million, our sea-bed for $500 million. Both PMs hands are dirty.

What's next? Our air space?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Grynberg,
You are a Jack...ass.
You never pay for licenses to search for oil.
You pay only if you find oil.
The monkeys of St. Lucia played you well.

Anonymous said...

Dear Voice,

This is international investment arbitration not court.State/investor contracts with international investors include arbitration clauses in which the parties agree to (if you want to simplify) bypass the national court system and take it to international investment arbitration, in this case under the ICSID rules.

As far as I can tell from the evidence released in the press and from my knowledge of previous outcomes and prevailing practice in such arbitrations(as there is no set rule of precedent in investment arbitration, Grynberg does not have a proverbial leg to stand on.

I hope they make him pay the Governments costs and his own, as well as the fees to ICSID. This man has too much time and too much money. He needs to be taught a lesson.

Anonymous said...

and i hope kenny's theiving ways finally see a poltical end to his presence in st. lucia/ the caribbean or even better see him and his conspirator(s) behind bars, but alas, pipedreams rarely come true, grant me please this one