Friday, May 18, 2012

The Review of St. Lucia’s Foreign Relations

1 comment:

thinktank said...

i am hoping that under the SLP admin. that they are able to milk the taiwanese gov a little more than the UWP Gov got from taiwan.. i mean after all we kept the taiwanese in favour of the chinese .. so that should account for reciprocity with higher returns Dont u agree?

i am hoping that the GOV. draw closer ties with latin America and central Am.. we need more financial support from upcoming wealthy states like them.. ESP VENEZUELA + BRAZIL..

Lastly i am hoping that this gov take a slightly different approach to the taiwanese financial aid monies. They should NOT focus mainly on agriculture but perhaps allow taiwanese to assist us in capitol works projects that GOV. wants to under take for example the NEW NATIONAL THEATRE OF THE ARTS.. i was hoping to hear that the construction would start in this financial year from the budget 2012-13..