Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tom Chou Goes


Anonymous said...

Kenny Anthony and his SLP put politics before common sense. And now, all St.Lucians must pay the price.

King might not be as educated as Kenny, but he is by far a smarter leader.

Anonymous said...

"smarter leader", that is your opinion, brother. Based on what facts, evidence, etc, you arrived at that conclusion - that King is a smart leader.

Good riddance, I for one, will not miss Tom Chou, perhaps you will.

It was long over-due.

Anonymous said...

They still stuck with Taiwan. Don't worry about those fools in the SLP. They have no other place to go. Already we know part of Kenny's billion dollar budget will be paid for by Taiwan. It's just a show to save face.

Anonymous said...

"Good riddance, I for one, will not miss Tom Chou, perhaps you will".
Not only me, but the vast majority of St.Lucians will.

Anonymous said...

Therefore, I suggest you, and by extention, as you claimed, "the vast majority of St Lucians" will miss him, prevent Tom Chou from leaving, or better yet, grant your Tom Chou citizen-ship.

You are/were part of the problems with this man - spitting on our laws left, right, middle and centre with impunity.

Well, sir, ain't noting you can do to prevent him from leaving!!

Anonymous said...

"Well, sir, ain't noting you can do to prevent him from leaving!!"
Believe me, he'll be back. It's just a matter of time before you, Kenny and the SLP are out of office.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr Chou for all you have done for my many thankfull brothers/sisters,you will be missed dearly. To the ungrateful St.Lucians who saying good riddance to you I feel them because no more white envelope being droped in their mamas drop box.There's always some fly determine to make the picnic miserable,and this is definitely a situation where a big fly swatter is needed.Shoooo fly there is no open wound to feast on.

Anonymous said...

"Say zot poo pair"...allay Tom Chou ca alley...nou par vlay St Leecie.

Oh yeah, only a matter of time before I, Kenny and the SLP are out of office...pray, which party will remove us from office, Stephenson King and the UWP?...There is a loose or some loose screws 'upstairs' in your some-where. Why, have you check a physician of late to remedied that screw. I suggest you do check one out.

Your audacity and shamelessness knows no bounds - talking about envelopes! SLP parlamentarians were/are not the ones that received red envelopes; it was the likes of hitherto unemployable UWP government Minister. Why, one even bought an Apple Farm, yes, an Apple Farm in Canada. What the hell he knows about apples apart from. A course in English Language would have served him better.

ABC said...

What do we expect from Kenny Gwen Tony.

Anonymous said...

I never see the day when I woould witness so much stupidity like what is written above. When people are tired of the slp it does not take much-they will replace them even with dogs..

and that time must come...

Anonymous said...

Yes, perhaps, replaced the SLP even with dogs, but not dogs like Richard Frederick, Guy Joseph, Stephenson King, and the other two...the other dogs, as you named them, were replaced November 28th, 2011 - NEVER TO SEE THE CORRIDORS OF POWER A G A I N.

ABC said...

To above, you are an SLP donkey hole.

Anonymous said...

Tom Chou Goes

What will he remember about St. Lucia, the best and the worst?