Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dr Anthony intervenes to stem dwindling UK arrivals


Anonymous said...

You did not know the entire world was in deep trouble before you made your empty promises?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Dominican Republic will not help because Latin people are mostly tribal, they only look after their own.

Anonymous said...

We should take it to the Her Majesty the Queen because Her eldest son is bullying the little ones.

Anonymous said...

kenny laughting,lol 2 all LUCIANS'

Anonymous said...

# 2

Whose mouth is stinking? Mine, yours, or Kenny's?

Who has eggs all over his face the yoke stuck in his mouth for days now?

Anonymous said...

Bitter days eh chew KenTony.

jeff daniel said...

vat unfair to us he er see that too. If was vat he sing on for elections he would not be pm, better day are coming i did know it with higher tax bill now it starting to sound like what real rip off

Anonymous said...

Kenny knows what he is doing will not work...that's a smoke mean to tell me that St. Lucia cannot attract visitors directly that he is asking DR to share their visitors? Then why have a Ministry of Tourism and a Tourist Board? These people are bankrupt and will lead the country in that direction. That's all that Kenny can come up with to solve that problem? eh ben.

Anonymous said...

better days mi ras!!! zot pwe a sa.

Anonymous said...

The PM should ask his tourism experts to capitalise on the heat wave which is sweeping the US. By now, they should have a strategy asking Americans to "escape the heat wave to St. Lucia."

The Dominican Republic's tourism industry is driven by very low wages and the workers and the population are living in poverty. This means that the two products are significantly different and cannot compliment each other. The tourist board has another option of flying British visitors to the US and JetBlueing them into St. Lucia. The British government will not bulge. The sad thing is that as a former colony of Britain, St. Lucian has nothing that the British needs.

Anonymous said...

'Intervenes'? What a euphemism for 'hopelessly begging'!

Who cannot see through this ruse? Oh yes. UWP retards, like the drug lord, the US ex-convict, those two guys and Queen.

Anonymous said...

Even the headline is intervene when you have bargaining strength...this is an ACP case and Kenny's letter by itself will not get past the doorman.

Anonymous said...

Recall Chastanet, the best Minister of tourism and well respected.

Anonymous said...

Kenny is a big fool to think he can influence anything outside of Saint Lucia.

Anonymous said...

i don't give a dam about any politicians so up left to you all hungry lazy people.

Anonymous said...

What a joke of a headline.

Just as in his whole career he pronounces then nothing happens.

He spends hundreds of millions and st lucians are worst off.

He talks off the top of his head, reads speeches and in the end there is nothing to show because he is an incompetent manager and clueless progressive/liberal/socialist.

Anonymous said...

It is an Air Passenger Duty (APD) and not ADP. Maybe Kenny can intervene in the ADP tax, whatever that is. These inaccuracies are serious and the author of the article should spell out the tax in addition to the acronym.

Anonymous said...

It is important for people to understand the full ramifications of this tax. This could cripple the Caribbean's tourism industry throwing thousands into poverty. The unilateral approach by Kenny is negatively impacting the work done by other Caribbean tourism leaders over the past two years. He is in effect saying: we are divided, conquer us.

Anonymous said...

Please I urge all to review the video and get involved in understanding the full impact of the tax. Caribbean nationals will not be able to travel to the with the same amount of frequency as before.

Anonymous said...

What leverage do the CARICOM countries have to prevail on Britain to remove the tax? Moral suasion? Or, is it a ban on British imports of goods?

Doesn't John Compton's phony 'independence' really stink?

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha I am the Prime Minister of Enrouge you all cannot take it get the hell out of my Counrty. Suckers take that Enrougeeeeeee shit, you all a see nothing yet before that five year up there will be no more Lucia.Everybody hands will be in the cookie jar.

Anonymous said...

The misdeeds, scams and homosexual activities by top officials of the St. Lucia Labor Party are about to be exposed on a massive scale to the international community.

Anonymous said...

The Dominican Republic, Cuba all have affordable package deals, their
staff are well trained in Customer Service and tourist areas are kept clean.
- St. Lucian's need to adapt a more positive and productive attitude to life in general.
- keep the Tourist area like the Castries market clean and the stalls should have a variety of articles for sale - all the stalls have the same items.
- keep St. Lucia affordable
- raise the bar, have some pride
then people will be attracted to visit St. Lucia.
- train people properly in hospitality. From a St. Lucian living abroad.

Anonymous said...

"Just Say St. Lucia, and They Will Come." That's the marketing strategy.

Anonymous said...

Intervenes in what ? Why?

All he did is what he is used to doing - writing letters and borrowing money ! Lol !

Anonymous said...

Dat man know so little about business. Hey! Just jawboning it with cap in hand will augment the arrival figures uhn?

Do these people learn anything by having years of experience in office? Or is it that dem heads are as hard as rock.

Anonymous said...

So he intervenes. He must be adjudicating either as Kenny or Tony, between one of those and the British.

Which personality is he going to use this time? Is it the one that gave us Rochamel, Black Bay, and Gryberg or an alternating combination?

Is this being conducted in the open? He might just agree to pay SECRETLY, the British the value of the tax to be collected upfront. Once it is wasting money our smart man deal-maker never loses even one opportunity to do his utmost to waste some more.

Anonymous said...

Last blogger you are on like a switch. Pretty soon we will be hearing how banana farmers are getting less for their bananas. Why? Kenny will tell the british to take the APD from the banana revenue. And guess what? Hooray..Kenny has succeeded in having the British remove the taxes on visitors...for St. Lucia alone...the man does not realize that the British structured that scheme to impact visitors globally but protecting its best friend, the US. The best person to lobby is Hillary Clinton or sell St. Lucia to the US. Intervene what?

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians do not value money. Tee Chass paid American Airlines for empty seats to Saint Lucia.

Kenny has La La record of giving away our blood, sweat and treasure to foreigners in grand style. Frenwell $45 million, Black Bay lands, $58 million and Grynberg is suing for US $200 million.

Do you believe that any company in the private sector would have given a single manager three chances at buying ice with so much money secretly, only for that manager to turn around and fry the ice?