Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Local author launches motivational book


Anonymous said...

The Voice is the worse newspaper in the Caribbean. Why not put a picture of the Gentleman so people can know who he is? Yawnnnnn slow news day okay tell us why was Kenny at the US embassy in Barbados? Who reap off the INS of some $500,000.00 of the poor people’s monies? Where did all the cocaine go the loot they had at the Chosieul Police Station? Wake up my people. What happen to Anthony Wallcott will he ever face persecution for his hideous crime? Why not set Mr. St. Romain free and look for the real killer of Verlinda? There is so much to be done in St. Lucia it will take you all years to purge out sakway toneh.

jeff daniel said...

i may have commented harshly on this post which was not intended for it but for some other book sorry my bad