Saturday, July 14, 2012

Where is the line?


Anonymous said...

where is the line?

take a look it is the behind or the brain of us woman.

time u stop writing rubbish
is this all woman fit 4?

who are u trying 2 put down?

Anonymous said...

I pity that woman. She is just another of the teeming thousands of our disturbingly unfortunate, misguided, clueless and immature Saint Lucian women. Dressed up airheads!

Anonymous said...

Like seriously,

The article said nothing about putting down a woman, which article were you reading?? The article is trying to give is an idea of what we consider cheating in our relationships and to make sure that our partners and ourselves are aware of what is accepted and what is not accepted.

I think you guys just hating because you are cheating yourselves! The young lady is just bringing forth a point how does this make her a disturbingly unfortunate, misguided, clueless, immature and an air head? How can you feel offended by just reading what a few people call cheating??

If you have such a problem dont read her articles , I however think they are great adn bring awareness to issues we face!