Saturday, September 8, 2012

Constitution Commission Report handed to Parliament


Anonymous said...

Choops! As if anything will ever become of those of this reccomendations.

Anonymous said...

shut up go back 2 your piggery!!!

eat your own shit.

yes u at 12:48pm.

Anonymous said...

Shut up????

Let us see Kenny give up some of the power in currently holds. Let us see St Lucia become a republic and not one that respects the Queen of England.

A whole list of shut up is in order...


Anonymous said...

Saint Lucia will never become a republic, you fool.
We are too scared to give absolutely power to those who are not evolved enough to lead us, and furthermore, we are too small and vulnerable to swim far away from our mother. The Crown reigns Supreme and God save the Queen.

Anonymous said...

"The Crown reigns Supreme and God save the Queen"? what is this 1638? We need a republic.. the crown sees us as a nuisance.. and have said it millions of times! but a republic can only rise when ONE individual steps up to the plate.. people will support him.. or her!!