Saturday, December 1, 2012

Homicide at Trouya


Son-of-man said...


NOT a drum was heard, not a funeral note,

As his corpse to the rampart we hurried;

Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot

O'er the grave where our hero we buried.


Son-of-man said...


Notice the reaction or lack thereof to the murder of Arthur Jones a Black-Lucian who was gunned down by a viscous savage killer.

There has been no tears shed for the Black-Lucian from an outraged public at the savagery that has become commonplace amongst the local Lucian population, nor has there been the drumbeat for stringing the killers at the gallows; after-all he's just a Black Lucian without a mother, father, wife, brother, sister, nephews, niece, or cousins; in fact I can never describe him any better as was done by one of the Self-hating Lucians, suffering from the inferiority-complex, brought about by their worship of a Caucasian male as the God of the Negro - “"cochonnies" like this man” - Yes that Black-Lucian is nothing but, “KO-SHON-NEE”

But burst the head of a Caucasian-Christian, Whiskey-drinking, Hotel-staying, without-sin-tourist, who died as a result of the Antiquated Hospital's failure to conduct the required test for a head-injury, and all the House Negroes cry, “Massa we dead, woe to us!”; “Who kill sweet Jesus?” “Saint Lucia Bad! Me feel shame!”

And now we know how many toes and how many fingers the Caucasian tourist has; we even know how many follicles of hair is on his head.