Saturday, February 9, 2013

An about turn is urgent


Anonymous said...

But I agree with you Alva is a waste. But pardon my writing the en rouge ship is already sinking.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Alva's place, I would fire Vaughn Lewis and my other advisors because their strategies did not bear fruit and did not make me look good. Kenny would hear about their dismissal after the news conference where it would have been announced. Moses Jn. Baptiste is standing out because he is not Kenny's little boy. Calixte George was hoping to be the overseer of this ministry but Musa chased him during the black cigatoka crisis. The SLP politics is rough and they are sinking..the question is: who will survive?

Anonymous said...

SLP up to now has only one plan, however ill-defined, and that is only to win the next election, even as early as it is now.

The SLP is rudderless and useless with no mission, no vision, and absolutely no leadership skills.

For the UWP, it distinguishes itself as the party of idiots, by idiots and for idiots.

For the SLP on the other hand, investors see the Minister of Finance as opportunity, as if they are stealing candy from a baby. "The emperor has no clothes."

Anonymous said...

What a load of crap! This article is all over the place and is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors . If the writer wants to give Emma credit for doing a good job at NIC, why must he denigrate the efforts of others who went before her? Emma did not inherit a bankrupt NIC. During her time only the car par was built. What is his basis for insinuating that Philip Pierre has an inefficient P.S? Is it because she cannot be manipulated by the Red Mealy Bug army of contractors and engineers who want to milk the Ministry? And what the writer's basis for knocking the adviser to Alva Baptiste? Is he the Minister of Foreign Affairs? Does he know what advice Lewis has given? The writer's brain is in need of a turbo boost.

Anonymous said...

Stop flogging that dead horse Pat!

Kenny Anthony was and is a clueless Finance Manager who as is his wont accuses everyone else of arrogance and ineptitude - which are his own major faults.

Under Kenny Anthony the social fabric of this country has been ripped by excessive debt, poor management and extreme malice on the part of the ruling Labour Party elite.

Kenny Anthony and the Labour Party have an abysmal foreign policy record characterized by excessive spending and this time around supporting useless individuals like Menissa Rambally in New York.

In a time when we need prudent financial management and value for money we have a profligate spendthrift incompetent Financial Minsiter who throws money at problems and burdens the country with millions of dollars spent on labour party cronies.

a pathetic wast of thime that indivudyal with his narcissistic self centeredness.

Anonymous said...

Pat is getting a little confused. The subject is good and should be written. But, poor Pat, his grammar is bad, consistency is lacking and his thoughts are dangling. He attacks the person. It would help if Pat would retain someone to sort out his ideas for publication of a series of better written articles. He is now too late for a book project.

Anonymous said...

Why do some people (friends and relatives?) try to make Emma look good when, in fact, her record or history tells a different story?

Concerned Voter said...

At a time when most people can't wait to kick Emma out of office- Pat is talking of how good she is??

Mate don't have a good head? Man go around and as how people really feel about Emma and perhaps you might find new things to write about. What happening to those people??? Mate mad???

Anonymous said...

Pat, tell the rank and file of the SLP to demand training and real political education, so as to make better judgements to correctly identify those in the party regarding who have bona fide leadership skills, and how long they should keep that leader.

Next Pat, you yourself, get a better sense of direction. Right now you should really be wheeling round to bowl the next ball a lot better.

The same too can be said for the direction of the SLP.

Man, as of now, SLP has nothing on the scoreboard, yet!

Anonymous said...

Man, as an SLP executive officer I say our people do not require any additional training and education. If you are perceptive enough you will realize that our people are grouped together on all projects. Have you watched them working on the STEP. They work in cluster. This ensures that each and every worker performs the role of a snitch. They're our esteemed foot soldiers. Also every one is kept in check. We call it the control of the masses, at least those under our control. Basically we believe in keeping the masses in ignorance. Education is for a few who would form the leadership of the party. Soon we will be forming an elite army to help us stay in power for life!

Anonymous said...

As enshrined in our secret paper we do not intend to provide higher education to all members of the party. We will continue to educate members from a carefully select class and who have the propensity to philosophize....

Anonymous said...

@11:56 and 12:06 above.

As is their mission, the two main political parties are hell-bent on creating hordes of idiot and damn-ass voters, aided and abetted by their political prostitutes in the various media and media houses.

Anonymous said...

What is the about turn to? Rochamel? Black Bay? Greenberg?

About turn? Or, is it a return of a dog to its vomit?

Anonymous said...

The writer is skirting around with the facts. Kenny Anthony's leadership and managerial style is
the pits.

He could never survive with this in the Private Sector. Where he never worked in his lifetime, by the way.

Because he id incompetent, not trained in any area of business or management which includes a sound understanding of economics or finance, he wants to pretend that he is in charge and doing something, and hence the reason for surrounding himself with morons and incompetent people. The information gleaned from the newspaper article in the Star, relating to the resignation of the Minister of State Ubaldus Raymond, speaks volumes of Kenny Anthony's disrespect generally to persons and whilst few would wish to put him in his place, most, if not all, would quietly rebel.

What a sad state of affairs for the country.

Anonymous said...

Vaughn Lewis was never competent at the OECS. How could people forget this. Was he competent as a Prime Minister? No, not at all. This is why John Compton had made himself a "senior Minister: in Vaughn Lewis Government.

Was it not his incompetence that led him to his heavy drinking.

Only incompetents generally make it to the OECS at the Morne.

So how can he deliver anything worthwhile to the Ministry.

Kenny is hang-up with those collectors of degrees, particularly Doctorates, whose only worth is for the files in the filing cabinets.

Can you folks not see what is happening to our country. Fellars and gals merely copying stuff from books, and not having the brain to apply these things in the real world, with real people.

Degree with no corresponding value when administered by th holders.

This is a sick joke in the Diaspora. We are having a good laugh. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I do hope Kenny Anthony's second wife is not one of his advisors. Because if this is so, judging from what we hear at Cave Hill UWI Campus, St. Lucia is sure to slide down the hell-hole much, much faster.

Anonymous said...

More than advisor? You bet. Degrees without smarts makes you what again? See what the investors do to him? They see him. They smile. Every time he sits in the presence of a real white person, he loses all perspective. He appears to be extremely, excessively, and constantly overwhelmed by such, his 'good fortune'. He goes on to sell them the house so that he can live in the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Kenny has a hang-up with people with higher degrees, but not all degree holders. He is very selective. He chooses only those he is able to manipulate.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Maybe Kenny has a hang-up with people with higher degrees, but not all degree holders. He is very selective. He chooses only those he is able to manipulate.

February 12, 2013 at 1:04 PM

This again shows unequivocally, a distinct failure of SLP leadership!

Damn it! No one lives lives forever!

If therefore, the pattern is to follow and repeat what the that jackass Compton did, by surrounding himself mostly with less smarter people than himself, this is highly reflective of an amoral state of mind.


How sad.

Less than the best talent is in government today because of the lack of interpersonal skills by the SLP leadership.

Less than the best talent once again is being positioned to take over the reins of government.

Once again, the likes King's cabal for a cabinet is looming large on the horizon.

Our IDIOT SAVANT politicians have absolutely nothing on the likes of Robert Mugabe!