Saturday, February 16, 2013

Deadline Gone!


Anonymous said...

At least one month ago I told you that this charade and "6 for a 9" so called negotiation was all a farce.

The unions put Kenny and the SLP into power and were agitating all along to get the UWP out of power.

This has always been part of the liberal destruction of our socialist countries - the 'union' between the unions and the liberal parties.

The unions work tirelessly with money and troops to put the SLP in power , the SLP 'reward' them with increased wages and perks and more influence.

The people who get screwed are the tax payers and children of St. Lucia who have to pay the taxes, the VAT and are responsible for the billions of debt in the future. We have 22% unemployment one year after putting those liars back in power and billions in debt that Kenny put on our backs from 1997.

So we know this was a charade and as I said at least 4 or 6 weeks ago they would eventually agree to around 6 -7.5% in spite of the fact that St. Lucia is broke, bankrupt, skint, without money and living in a fiscal dream world.

All the SLP can do is tax borrow and spend and destroy the country and they have to pay off their cohorts the public service unions - to seal their part of the devils bargain!

Anonymous said...

Notice how Julian Monrose is always covering for the Labour Party.

Every time you see him on TV he is hedging and toning down the rhetoric and fudging to make sure nothing gets out of hand for his party - the St. Lucia Labour Party ! Hip Hip Horray !

Anonymous said...

It is time to trash-out the unions -especially the likes of TUFF - now - FLUFF. They are relics of the past.Modern commerce and the new world order of work has no place for such. What a shame - total liberalism and buff. Where is the outrage.

Anonymous said...

The leadership of the trade unions have always intended to shaft the members. This is clear when we consider who among them are vying for position in the government service. Of course, as real politicians, they have been playing dirty games with the livelihood of the public and the general membership.

Anonymous said...

The dumbing down of the St. Lucian electorate by the liberal propaganda emanating from the more developed countries and from an expanding liberal lifestyle is a shame.
A people once known to look up to the the brilliant construct of the family have the world's highest out of wedlock birth rate of 86%.

The people who were once called "Fair Helen" and were supposedly so Catholic are promoting homosexuality and transgender and bisexual at every turn and have one of the highest AIDS transmission rates in the world.

The people who once fought for their civil rights and better wages are now satisfied to have their children 'sexting', getting pregnant at 16, watching pornography on the internet and spending their time playing games on consols.

The people who would be 'watching their pennies' while doing service in government now accept the fact of billions wasted on Rochamel, cost overuns, ministers spending accumulated millions of dollars on weekly travel overseas and "jobs for the boyz' of cultural attache, foreign affairs advisor and any other 'mamaguy' name to give some party hack a few hundred thousand dollars every year.

With this government it is all about politics and the people can go to hell!
Yet where is the opposition to 22% unemployment and the erosion of wages and salary from the inflation caused by VAT and the endless waste of money by this government ?

I understand that we have a useless Opposition Party still made up of incompetents in its upper echelon but at least you would think the people would say something until the UWP gets rid of that horrible leader Stephenson King who has no plans or ideas except the draw as big a salary as possible.

Whither St. Lucia the new Sodom and Gamorrah?

Anonymous said...

If you go around St. Lucia shops today the shelves are empty as the shopkeepers do not have enough cash flow to stock the shelves.

Office space goes empty with landlords looking for tenants.

Vieux Fort is a ghost town.

Yet our people sit silently knowing that even if times are rough that their government is incompetent and wasting money here there and everywhere on party hacks and have no concern for our people.

poor St. Lucia !

Anonymous said...

Does every issue raised has to be discussed in red or yellow? The government should hold back on any further discussions until such time they can afford to spend on salary increases. Take note on other countries who are scrumbling towards a balanced budget by cutting on public spending. Jamaica just implemented new and unpopular measures just to satisfy the IMF. Trust me, we are next in line. We are living on borrowed money cause we don't have the means to raise our own funds.

Anonymous said...

We are living in an age of delusionment.
The Left, socialists, liberals, progressives -whatever you want to call them -have promised a deluded people that everything is free. That is their defination of FREEDOM.
Freedom from hard work - so just get a government job because you are the family of a party hack and you stroll thtuogh till retirement with a second job on the side.

Freedom from personal responsibility so you get 4 children with three different women none of whome get married.

Freedom from government fiscal responsibility so just borrowl$2 billion under the SLP watch.

Freedom from the constraints of having no money so just borrow millions to travel to Canada, Chile, Haiti, the UK, America, Mexico and everywhere in between.

So we are deluded into thinking all these ways of life will not impact us eventually - here or in the USA or in Argentina.

You say to St. lucians. We are broke but we will borrow $400 million this year! Responce - nothing! Somehow it will take care of itself!

The rich businessman can run to Miami when things go bad but the majority of us have to stay here and stick it out.

Bitter Days are here again !

Anonymous said...

St, Lucia will soon have to file for bankruptcy.

Anonymous said...

I find it extremely difficult defending the cause of many public servants. I've witnessed their legendary time-wasting, thumb-twiddling and paper-pushing too many times. Many have no regard for productivity or the fact that they are not direct revenue generators. Any company that borrows to pay salaries - long after the initial startup - will be advised to close shop. Not the same for governments? Then again, anything is possible with union backing, right? In the next two years I expect them to demand water from the moon, even as the majority of the private sector struggles to make ends meet since many businesses discourage union representation.

Anonymous said...

say civil servants sar lar emen twop largen tans

Anonymous said...

They will get an increase even though the country cannot afford it. And we will all pay in the end.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, there's the other burden of dealing with another failing entity otherwise known as WASCO (or Kwass Glo to many). Another company that can barely keep afloat, is consistently in the red, and borrowing to pay increased wages. Has anyone seen the proposed tariffs on water consumption?

What I found especially mind-numbing was this section:

The NWSC will engage the Minister of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology so that the Water and Sewerage (Service Standards) Regulations can be enacted without delay.

A charge of EC $500,000.00 shall be paid to the NWSC annually by WASCO.

WASCO shall pay a license fee of EC$200,000.00 annually to the NWSC.

Yes, these demands are being made of a bankrupt entity!