Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lie Detector Test for Police Officers


Anonymous said...

The individuals who should be really taking the lie detector test are the politicians in the House of Assembly and other similar officials serving in the Parliament.

Particularly, given that St. Luccia has ranked high on the International List of corrupt countries.

Anonymous said...

I support that recommendation fully for those politicians to take the lie detector test when appointed to office.

Anonymous said...

Yes, let the Public Officials in Parliament as well as high ranking Public Servants take that test like the Police Officers.

With so much corruption being so rampant from what one hears around the country and the recent rating St. Lucia got internationally, that's the best way to go for the benefit of this country.

Anonymous said...

Yep Politicians, members of the clergy etc

Anonymous said...

Senior Public Servants, first and foremost. They are the ones that facilitate the wretched Politicians. That's why the Politicians hand-pick them. As long as you can be a sell-out/bought then you'll be promoted to do their dirty bidding.

As we can see going on right now.

VAT my black fanny.