Saturday, February 2, 2013

More Challenges Expected As New Leaders Emerge


Anonymous said...

What the hell is Michael Chastanet trying to write?

Anonymous said...

He too does not understand the colossal difference betweeen someone called leader and someone called leader who has and data-based leadership SKILLS.

Any jackass can be made leader as we had as what passed for a prime minister who took on the title of Minister of Finance.

The holder of that title had scarcely any knowledge of Finance, Economics, or Business. Yet, the crap keeps on pouring on, and on, and on, on the previous crap.

Shit-ass politics is what we love and live for in Saint Lucia.

Anonymous said...

Instead of new leaders, it is time to change from the same ol' same ol'. It is NOT leaders we want or need.

Since King became PM every nincompoop about place believes that once you can win votes you are a frigging leader.

Look at the gang-led violence that the UWP did to our democracy: Drug barons, jailbirds, liars under oath, sellers of patients' private medical records, formal robbery of the Treasury by Cabinet members with a cabinet ruling in favour of another, appointment of an Attorney General blissfully and abysmally ignorant of any ethical and moral standads who told us that 'politics is for bad boys'.

Up to now, the UWP's so-called leaders have no shown that they are aware whatsoever of what a moral compass is.

That bunch and the followers of these @#@@s wholes are still pushing their half-#$$ leaders in front of the public.

Leaders of the UWP were nothing short of what the discerning know as quintessential political bandits.

Leadership is a practice of having followers who will have been taken to a place better than where they were, and who would been inspired to excel and achieve greatness backed by both a NATIONAL vision and a NATIONAL mission.

The freaking politicians in Saint Lucia know nothing of this.

Some have barely even finished schooling at the primary level.

Chastenet, you completely ignored and blissfully bypassed the corruption and the defence of the conflict of interest in the campaign financing of the UWP' real-estate purchases and the beneficiary of a government airport project going to a relation of one of most ignorant people ever to warlk the corridors of the parliament with a title of Member of Parliament.

Chastenet, man, why have you ignored the need to fix the moral bankruptcy of Saint Lucian so-called leaders, before making your baseless rose-coloured predictions?

With this historical pattern? Man, your level thinking is abysmally shallow.

Such pollyanna thinking is risible, and merits guffaws and peals of laughter as the UWP's political bandits above may have well enjoyed after the Compton paved their way into government!

Young people in Saint Lucia deserve a better future than what the current crop of oldsters and so-called leaders have in store.

No provisos?

What the hell were you thinking when you freighted that load of crap onto the newspaper?

'New leaders' my big F_ing toe!

Anonymous said...

Similarly, blogger above, many who hold doctoral degrees, in whatever area are not worth the paper they hold for this.

The knowledge is for the filing cabinets. They have no capability of utilizing the theory where at all appropriate into practical use for the benefit of the people of the country.

Many are fellaars and gals who had a very rough time growing up, scrunting, managed to reach some University, passed courses by whatever means necessary, but don't possess, one modicum of natural intelligence or any capacity to think. Hence their need whilst holding high office, to surround themselves perennially with idiots like themselves called "consultants".

These fellars and gals are collectors of certificates but are of absolutely no value to the country.

Examine them closely. You will discover this. This is why the country is in that sorry state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

Like most of the over 97 percent of the commentators, politicians, talkshow hosts, regular and 'weakly' columnists on the political scene ... both locally and regionally, Chastenet CANNOT SEE THE FOREST FOR THE TREES.

They are almost always MAKING SHAMELESS PLUGS, for MORE and CONTINUED leader INCOMPETENCE and MEDIOCRITY. Nothing from nothing ....

The crap therefore, continues to pour unabated ... undermining and spreading throughout societies like a virulent disease.

Such people have no standards.

So our IDIOT SAVANT political leaders, who can win votes but apparently can do nothing else well, are lionized as if they were real geniuses!

Anonymous said...

Blogger of February 05, at 5.49AM;

Very well said.