Thursday, February 7, 2013

Plea Deal Reached


Anonymous said...

Why are these two animals still walking the face of the earth? they once said, given a chance, they would do it all over again. They are not crazy, they are not just common criminals, they are down right evil to go to church to hurt people who did no wrong. That's what is wrong with this country; the damn criminals seem to have more rights than the victims.An example should have been made way back when first brought to court. No one has the Balls to do anything. That initial crime was the turning point of a downward spiral in crime and Law enforcement in St.Lucia. Since then murder have increased tenfold, the last five years its between 40 to 50 murders each year, because some Prime Minister is blinded by the fear of political repercusions. NOW, NO ONE IS AFRAID TO KILL.

Anonymous said...

Attorny must be pleased with the outcome of the case. Why not? They score three points: (1)payment of legal fees come from the public purse (2)a big case is won, meaning getting other big cases and (3) criminals will be out of prison soon. We are shafted, one more time.