Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Erosion of our Society


Anonymous said...

We have complete morons in our high places from top to bottom. Some of these maggots are even feasting on the gangrened parts of the body politic they have created.

It is even sometimes ghoulish, what is happening in some of what used to be considered middle- to upper-class areas of Saint Lucia. Yet, ironically enough this is highly reflective of the parliamentary representatives for those areas in many more ways than one.

Anonymous said...

Sad commentary indeed. As a St. Lucian I do not look forward to coming to visit or care to know anything happening there, because the majority of the people have time upon time; placed persons who they fully well know ought not to be in the corridors of power.

Now many are suffering and the story being heard about this country is very pathetic indeed.

Anonymous said...

Let us stop blaming all the ills of our society on the politicians. Let us take a good look at ourselves. We do not care about each other anymore. Our greed, selfishness and our immoral behaviours and yes dare I say it LACK OF RESPECT is what is causing our downfall in St.Lucia.

Let us be our brother or sister's keeper once more.

Politicians come and go. Our people are the ones left behind.

Anonymous said...

Yes, politicians, as you rightfully said, "come and go"...but these politicians are the ones instituting laws (good or bad, for the most part bad laws).

..."our green" comes from seeing politicians, who ought to know better and uphold the laws, robbing the the populace in HIGHWAY ROBBERY IN BROAD DAY LIGHTS.

A case in point: Out of close to the $80 million dollars given to the Past Administration by the Taiwanese, less than $20 million could be accounted for...so became millionaires overnight.

You see, in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, while Barbados, Jamaica and TnT, etal, were busy developing the Human Resource (their populace), Compton was busy dividing us, pitying one against another for political mileage - thus, the results are exactly what is happening here today. The hatred, the malice, the viciousness, the vindictiveness, the bobol in government, ministers; that could barely read and write, total category 5 morons are the ones walking the halls of powers here in idiot (as some rightfully call us) St Lucia.

I cursed the day I left my adopted homeland and moved back to this god forsaken place!! Alas, I bought at the top of the market when I moved back, now, it is virtually impossible to sell. Otherwise, I would have being on the first place of this place!

Anonymous said...

..."our green" = "our greed"...my apologies.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes, politicians, as you rightfully said, "come and go"...but these politicians are the ones instituting laws (good or bad, for the most part bad laws).
You see, in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, while Barbados, Jamaica and TnT, etal, were busy developing the Human Resource (their populace), Compton was busy dividing us, pitying one against another for political mileage - thus, the results are exactly what is happening here today. The hatred, the malice, the viciousness, the vindictiveness, the bobol in government, ministers; that could barely read and write, total category 5 morons are the ones walking the halls of powers here in idiot (as some rightfully call us) St Lucia.

Amen to that.

Leaders are supposed to lead, taking us from here to there i.e., and that is to a better place!

What we have witnessed, (to those who know better and with real discerning eyes to see, and without the bias of being political yardfowls of either party), is that the social fabric of this country has been destroyed by cynical and manipulative party bosses from the 1960s to this very day.

Without a native culture of self-education and continuous self-improvement, the resulting idiot country Saint Lucia created, has come to rely only on party affiliation for success, either as an ordinary man in the street or as a business person.

There is no equity. There is no fairness, only co-co markark from prime minister down to the ordinary man in the street.

The GG position has been reduced to being merely a sinecure for bland recitations of PM prepared speeches, delivered in fancy hats and clothing, plus the cutting of ribbons to open buildings. This comes as a reward for following a certain party line. There is nothing more to it than that.

Meanwhile, our hordes of idiots created by the Ministers of Education, 100% Comptonian "broomsticks" and quintessential naffins, have instituted mediocrity and a beggar mentality as a conditional way of life.

Even our so-called "poverty reduction" programme STEP and others, have everyone fooled. Besides being a misnomer, it remains a very cruel joke on an unsuspecting public.

Poverty retention is the reality.

BOTH political parties ensure a bloc of votes by party faithfuls, bought with STEP and its UWP counterpart.

These programmes have been designed, in effect, to retain the allegiance of party supporters come election day!

After all, STEP and its counterpart do not seek to remove this poor and dependent underclass, but serves to undergird and buttress its growth and maintenance.

Whilst some Saint Lucians are digging themselves deeper into poverty by waiting on STEP-like handouts, crumbs from the tables of their political masters, others unwittingly, are paying for its maintenance and its annual extensions.

Still others are being taxed, more recently with instruments like the VAT to maintain and further the depravity, the callousness and this disgusting cynical behaviour of our current and past administrations.

Saint Lucia they say is idiot country!

Anonymous said...

Indeed, it is idiot country, blogger, and no one can dispute that - evidence of our idiotic nature and abnormal behavior is all around us.

Why would any decent and civil people re elect a former PM who was bedding down a 16 yr old high school student? Shamelessly, this same deceased former PM , wrote this minor on GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL STATIONERY - the gall!!

Then we continue to elect alleged drug baron; another who sold his patient's medical records FOR A PROFIT, FOR MONEY$$$$; one who falsely claimed to be Phded; still we have those who blatantly and insubordinately went against the wishes of their then PM forcing the then PM pre mature's death. The list continues in the forms of illiterates and morons, at a budget address saying we should borrow and bank the funds and pay back the loans on the interests of the loaned funds - dear God if that is not moronic and country bookie thinking, pray, what is...yes, these and others are the ones we're voting in high offices day in day out.

Anonymous said...

It breaks my heart, to see the denigration of Lucian society,we have now become more greedy than Americans,and adapted all of their perversions,while discarding all of the qualities, that made us so special, and it only took less than five years to attain that distinction, i hope you are happy now.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

... 'alleged drug baron ...? 'The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. '

Anonymous said...


In politics, perceptions are regarded as truths. ANY perceived malice by those who put up themselves to be a minister for public service (well in book I refer to them as not public servants, but 'self enrichment ministers), SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO SERVE THE PUBLIC. There is no smoke without fire.

Why, some of our government ministers, though quite poor and struggling before entering politics, became millionaires over night - less than 5 years, without any proof where they got their wealth from.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you imitators shut-up!... if you are not part of the solution,you are part of the problem! And you know what?...ST.Lucia don't need your sorry ass!...take a trip to the horizon.....Punk!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
Why don't you imitators shut-up!... if you are not part of the solution,you are part of the problem! And you know what?...ST.Lucia don't need your sorry ass!...take a trip to the horizon.....Punk!

June 13, 2013 at 1:14 PM
Eh eh! Too close for comfort my boy?

Anonymous said...

Lol, some raw nerves seemed to have being touched...ohhh, how the truth hurts!!

But then again there is nothing of substance for you to add to the discussion, therefore, you resort to what you do best - wallow in mud, insults and name calling. Very sad, indeed!

Anonymous said...

Its not nerves,its getting aggressive with you punks who keep putting down ST.LUCIA all the time!...well,from now on I'm in your face....punk!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, a real tough guy here. We should be scared people.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Right! Put up Saint Lucia.

There you go. A smart ass wants more liars, drug barons, cheats, real country bookie nincompoops and half-educated morons elected. Way to go Saint Lucia!

twinkle toe said...

This is not about the government, this is about us as a people.We did not elect a government to ruin our lives ,we all tend to forget that the government was only given a part time job to administrate the affairs of the state, and at the end of that period we the people has the right to dismiss them if they fail to live up to our expectations. trouble is we refer to our employees as boss and assume the role of employees. this thinking is back asswards. The government works for us and not us for them.We as a people need to manage our families in every aspect of their lives if we intend to improve the lives of our children,and that is not the job of the govt , it is ours.