Saturday, September 20, 2014

Is Foreign Policy Strangling Us?


Anonymous said...

Interesting Stanley. I don't believe the US is any way concerned about ALBA. Besides what has the US done for the Caribbean lately? The Taiwan/China issue is not a big deal. Fact is that St. Lucia has received several times more support from Taiwan than China. In a situation where Taiwan needs us more than China, it makes sense to go with Taiwan.

Anonymous said...

You don't want to get into bed with the east. They will let their hordes invade and cause problems with the locals. They done it in Cyprus, Italy they will do it again.

Alva is doing deals with people he doesn't understand. There will be a sting in the tail.

Anonymous said...

Simply said, country bookies have no world view. That sums it all.

The SLP hierarchy lacks any discernable finesse when it comes to international relations.

This, across a backdrop of opportunistic Machiavellian short-termism explains the thinking and achievements ... good and bad ... of the SLP's hierarchy's super Mensa financial geniuses.