Thursday, September 25, 2014

Racism vs Ignorance


Son-of-man said...


Caucasian Police kills Black man coming from work for NO reason. And you write this: “IN OUR PART OF THE WORLD” Earl ? This Racial hatred of Blacks by their White Christian brothers is an international crime against Humanity.

Video of White Cop killing Black man;


Son-of-man said...
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Son-of-man said...



Let me quote you here: “I rather think they are stuck or caught in a negative cycle of ignorance that still lurks in our part of the world as a consequence of our long colonial historical legacy”

“IN OUR PART OF TTHE WORLD” Earl ? This Racial hatred of Blacks by their White Christian brothers is an international crime against Humanity.

Not one time did you have the courage to address the strongest pillar of White Supremacy, the Religion of White Man Worship, where God is a Naked white man, an all powerful God that Black children at taught to beg for help - while I think you are a step above the likes of a Josie or the Naked weightlifter, you have not even seen that White God on Micoud Street commanding you to Kneel and worship the slave master. This video might be of help to you Earl:



Anonymous said...

The Reality of the Brain washed Negro and how he is perceived by the Caucasian in this video:



Anonymous said...

Very good article, dear writer. I agree with everything you said. Why are we still caught up in this mental slavery time warp? My dear compatriots, under the skin is a humanity which is incredibly homogenous. I've live in a central European country for 17 years now, and I have done better than lots of whites in my circle, of course not because of skin colour, but because I showed the people that I am competent, civilized and respectful. I acted with integrity and treated everyone with dignity. Sometimes, I may not have had the best cards, but I certainly played those I had well. That is what we St. lucians must learn to do in order to exploit opportunities. In this world of unrelenting pain and injustice, we won't get what we think we deserve, we'll only get what we negotiate. Richard Federick does not belong in politics and he should be relegated to the ranks of political history.

MR. "T" said...

@ 5:02

all you ever do in your Europe is mop the white man's house, and carry-words to the white man about your black brother for a few shillings more.

You house nigger take a Michael Jackson skin-lotion.

Anonymous said...

He is mopping the white floor.

What are you doing?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

A Bousquito will always be a sell-out.

Earl you inherit that treachery.

this judas thing is running in the Bousquie-to like a various.

Anonymous said...

Earl is right. I have always been Labour from day #1. When George Charles started Off as labour there was never a mention about white man black man. What we have now is some smart ass youngsters, some make believe muslim converts using the race card for fueling hatred against white folks. That's not good for the Island's image.
Think of your tourism industry.
Labour true and through.

Anonymous said...

until a blackman learns to love the skin he's in, he'll forever envy the white man. Love yourself first, then marry a "white woman" to breed the blackness out of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Still I Rise

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may tread me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
Maya Angelou :

Anonymous said...

Earl is usually completely wrong on most issues but even a broken clock is right twice a day!

Good articles and ignore those primitive race baiters who want racism to continue to excuse their incompetence!

Anonymous said...

The writer was always known as a PIECE OF SHIT.

Anonymous said...

Deal with the reality.

Even the descendants of the whites when they are truly honest will agree that a grave injustice has been done, to grow a British and a French empire on the backs of unwilling fire-bombed captured and exploited slaves.

Then came emancipation day. Since then they and their offspring were made to eke out a living for themselves with only the shirts on the backs.

The injustice continued with their replacement with Indians being given plots of land, real assets for their labour, a real economic headstart.

The descendants of the white plantocracy got the estates and the Indian indentured servants their own plots of land.

What did the blacks get for all the indignities suffered and their labour going uncompensated for hundreds of years, save for loincloth, some breadfruit and codfish?

The headstart reinforced itself in the field of education. The descendants of the plantocracy were able to send their sons and daughters abroad to school. The blacks barely made do with a makeshift substandard primary school.

Coming back to Saint Lucia those descendants got a new sense of entitlement to all the key positions of local institutions. Their family and personal interests since have been taking centre-stage. Fawning and groveling in gross self-commiseration, they have been in contentment to accept their second class status.

We too, have had a culture of borbolism pervading all areas of society. Not even the black "educated" have had a national vision for the majority of the population, and far less those with the historical headstart.

But if we have those even more capable than the colonial and plantation holdovers, why must this country continue with the charade of stealthy gross political under- and misrepresentation?

Quite mistakenly, we continue to conflate individual, and family interest and ambition, with those of the masses and those of the overarching national interest. How much longer must we blindly accept this self-deceptive foolishness?

Quite starkly, these are the issues, that those, without any sense of fairness and equity are out there stoutly defending, asking the rest of us to continue to humbly accept.

Therefore, any criticism of the status quo is being simplistically labelled, by those so brainwashed by their appalling limited and accommodative education, and a shockingly retarded sense of social justice, as racism.

Anonymous said...




What shirt? the slaves were only allowed to wear a type of fabric called "Pig-cotton". If they even had a shirt that would be something. Now, keep in mind the enslaved Africans could not inherit anything - so even that pig cotton returned to plantation owner at the death of the Black person.

MR. "T" said...

THE word racist and it's meaning was corn by the white Supremes to subject the blacks into submission and to create division among the slaves.

The whites could take a delight in degrading the slaves to the level of a maggot and the slaves would have to thank him for that honor. if the slaves would just whisper under his breath after the honour he will be label as using racism remarks.
many of the house hands (we have many alive on Allan chastanet plantation to day).

the word is still being used against those who dare challenge the white man's or speak about his colour/behavior/ arrogance or in any other-way challenge his method.

the working class can kiss the white-man's azzzzzzzz.

Son-of-man said...




MR. "T" said...


Boujon Guiyave said...

In law there is the very beautiful concept of “precedent”. If a lawyer establishes precedent in court hearing then the judge has to rule in his favour. If you allow me the freedom to apply this concept to everyday life I can show you, very clearly, if a black man will only feed a white man with a long spoon he has every reason.
In his every interaction with the outside world the African has always come out worst off. We can start off with the Israelites: when times were hard the Egyptians took them in. Their population bloomed and they became a thriving people in Egypt. They left a nation with a culture, vast wealth, education and a religion. How did they repay the Egyptians? Treachery and lies! They claimed to have been enslaved and left in a mass exodus yet there is no archaeological evidence of that along the route they claimed to have taken from Egypt to the land they never reached. The Europeans came how did repay the African humanity? With everything barbaric and savage! Perhaps their actions were seen as strategic thinking is it any wonder they emerged dominating that country. In an attempt to get the Europeans out of Africa the Africans sought the help of the Arabs who in turn sought to Islamify the continent.
You see the black man have had no friends. Everyone he ever met was always in it for what he could get out of it and in the end his humanity was always taken advantage of. The very same thing is being played out before our very eyes. We are always being asked to give a part of ourselves away through concessions made to the dominating white rulers (like how black people came through to modernity without a history – in fact he did not even know who he was). Mr. having lived in a central European country for 17 years, there is no doubt you done well even to out-shine many white nationals. Don’t be carried away with that. Can you honestly tell me that you were not under employed? Can you honestly tell me that you were allowed to aspire to the peak of your capability as an individual? If your answer is yes then you have some money to make mate as a teacher teaching the black actors and actresses in Europe what it takes to succeed and aspire to the top of their craft. This is normally seen as aspiring beyond their station!
When you don’t voluntarily make concessions the powers that take – they assassinate your character. Remember the sus laws in England where the police would stop and search a black man for no other reason than his skin colour. If he grumbles in the process he faces arrest for resisting or obstructing.
It’s not a question of hating the Caucasian. It’s more of what I think is an appropriate reaction to his selfish egoistic attitude through which he sees himself as better than others. Any black man who thinks the Caucasian is in any way inclined to see the two of them as equals is naïve.