Thursday, September 25, 2014

Race Been Overplayed Too Long


Anonymous said...

Did this writer ever read from cover to cover 'Black Skin, White Masks' by Caribbean-born Franz Fanon? What staggering ignorance that up there really is! What a load of piffle!

Anonymous said...

Very good article, dear writer. I agree with everything you said. Why are we still caught up in this mental slavery time warp? My dear compatriots, under the skin is a humanity which is incredibly homogenous. I've live in a central European country for 17 years now, and I have done better than lots of whites in my circle, of course not because of skin colour, but because I showed the people that I am competent, civilized and respectful. I acted with integrity and treated everyone with dignity. Sometimes, I may not have had the best cards, but I certainly played those I had well. That is what we St. lucians must learn to do in order to exploit opportunities. In this world of unrelenting pain and injustice, we won't get what we think we deserve, we'll only get what we negotiate. Richard Federick does not belong in politics and he should be relegated to the ranks of political history.

Anonymous said...


Stan !!.... you are now sitting on your head.

go in peace.

Son-of-man said...



Where do they make people kike you?? So we must be colour blind as in, "I didn't even notice you were Black"

Bishop, I understand you work for this Great News Paper, so I will suggest you understand What Dr. Joy DeGruy says of your article - you can go to 4:50 in the video where she directly addresses your statement.

Dr. Joy DeGruy - Keynote Address: History, Justice, and Healing: When Race Amity Counts:


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, Son of Man, for the video provided. Wow!! Deep!! Thanks again mun..

Anonymous said...


Son of Man

Lets pretend you had your way.

What are you plans for St. Lucia when the white, Indians and combinations leave

Son-of-man said...


Did you hear Dr Joy's statement: try going to work, and mention Slavery, and blacks like Bishop will kill you. "Lets put that behind us" they will say. In Bishop's words, "We must see past Colour."

But you can talk about Jewish Holocaust as much as you like, with NOOO Problem.

The Truth is people like Bishop are really not interested in the truth, they are house slaves protecting the master's Big House - If 10:50 was about acquiring knowledge, you would think his lazy behind would watch the frigging Video to learn why Negroes talk like Bishop and Josie.

That's what is meant by "where ignorance is bliss, its a mistake/folly to show wisdom.

Here's Dr, Joy's Video, AGAIN!

Dr. Joy DeGruy - Keynote Address: History, Justice, and Healing: When Race Amity Counts:


Anonymous said...

Son of Man.... what would you do?

Lets pretend you had your way.

What are your plans for St. Lucia when the white, Indians and combinations leave

Son-of-man said...



Many Africans who were first brought to the “New World” were not enslaved; many were Indentured Servants. About the time of 1675 a Caucasian Planter named Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against the White-elite Planters, incorporating an army of poor-Whites and Africans in what has become known as “Bacon's Rebellion”.

This amalgamation of Whites and Blacks so terrified the White-elite that with the help of the so-called “Mother Country” England sending thousand of troops, a strategy was implemented for the prevention of a similar incident recurring in the future.

Poor Whites were elevated to Law-enforcement/ Slave-Patrol over Africans, and granted certain privileges not allowed Blacks - like allowing poor Whites to confiscate “Indian” lands – “I am poor but at least not a Black slave!” became the thinking of poor Caucasian.

White Supremacy became a religion that would function independently of the institution of Chattel Slavery into the 21st Century.

Many Blacks are victims, having sustained psychological injury as a result of this “Religion” of White Supremacy. Many Lucians Still pray to a Caucasian god in the Basilica, Castries, where, near the Micoud Street entrance a statue of a Caucasian Angel destroys a Black African-with-horns, a Black Satan under the foot of this Caucasian Idol – a lesson taught every child taken to this church by a parent.

When I express disgust at such depictions, I am met with the programed defence: “What does colour have to do with it?” So I'm crazy and racist! Have some dignity, and stop worshipping a Naked White man as your God. You act like Black Cannibal Savages, eating and drinking the body and blood of a so-called White man YOU were told is God of the Universe.

Now this is what this White God have you Black Savages doing:



Son-of-man said...




Just put this "Colour Thing" behind us. Remain in Denial, and the White God will make it RAIN for you. THE PICTURE:


Anonymous said...

Still I Rise

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may tread me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
Maya Angelou :

Anonymous said...

Frederick is RIGHT. I worked for Michael Chastanet and the only thing he didn't do was spit on his employees. He cursed them, insulted them and denigrated them ...all attributes of slave owners.

Anonymous said...

SOM your right! slavery should not be forgotten about and just brushed to the side! while the others ie 9/11 etc are remembered. Its ok for all the people of st lucia black and white to remember about slavery! but don't let it happen again, but as I see it still goes on because the white man in st lucia still thinks he is superior! I could name a few but they will know who they are! if they get the chance to read this. The white man/caucasion in st lucia needs to know slavery was abolished and be more fair with their work force!

MR. "T" said...

@ 7:11 AM

YOU WILL Be crucified 4 speaking the truth by those mental-ill house slaves who are all over this country, and those house-mop who are moping floors overseas.

Anonymous said...

11.26 ' you will be crucified 4 speaking the truth!'- for why? the white/Caucasian with money and thinks he is superior! should remember - 'its easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven!' that should make you think what you do with your money and how you treat your workforce! if you care were you going when you die! then you will see whos superior! Im a white/Caucasian of this island but I treat everybody as equal and with Respect!but its what I see the so called 'superior' beings doing and acting like slave drivers brings my kind down, it just goes to show we are not all the same - thank God!

Anonymous said...

There's good people, bad people. You can't attribute characteristics to races. I've seen nice black people and wicked black people. Same for white, Indian etc.

Most of you should focus on fixing yourselves before pointing fingers at others. Everyone's shit stinks.

Anonymous said...

Richard hasachip on his shoulder and has sank to brand new lows!

Son-of-man said...




Anonymous said...

Any black man without a "chip on his shoulder" is insane.

Yes the nonsense these White Christians put my ancestors through??

The Middle passage, sixty-million Africans fed to Sharks.

Now this!

"White Christian MPs were called in. armed with machine guns...They shot everything that moved, until nothing did; not one defenseless soldier got away. When the shooting stopped, over 1200 members of the 364th were slaughtered." In December of 1943, over one thousand Black soldiers were slaughtered at Camp Van Dorn, located just outside the sleepy southern town of Centerville Mississippi. These enlisted men weren’t killed in combat with the enemy, but lined up and mowed down, unarmed, by white Christian soldiers acting on orders from superiors in the US Army. Unbelievable, isn`t it? The first thought I had upon hearing about the incident was that it couldn’t possibly be true. So, I got my hands on the book, “The Slaughter”, written by Carroll Case, a local, white Mississippi journalist who blew the cover off this shocking, long-rumoured massacre.

Anonymous said...

The middle passage there were 2 million attributable deaths and 4 million deaths attributable to the instutuation of slavery don't know we're you got 60million! But I do understand why the black man may have a chip on his shoulder! The slaughtering at camp van dorn was done by MPs, you say Christian ones but that wouldn't be very Christian like therefore they can't be Christians! But I do agree it was all wrong!

MR. "T" said...

@ 1: 18PM
I greet you in the grace and truth of the memory of our forefathers.
poem by a true local black brother.

Dynamic drum keep awaking my soul
Speaking of a revolution, a reformation.

Drum, my mind, unconscious of this beat, being in a deep sleep.
Yet my soul is conscious of its thrashing,
dubious of the nationality of this majorette
speaking, with such clearness.
Yes, it sound like an African drum,
taking momentum breaking loose,
the drumming, its castigation manipulate
my then inferno soul, impetus my body,
taking flight high above the sky
over the sea, mountains, rivers,
and the green lush, luscious plato.

Drum, are you speaking of an African, revolution and reformation?
African revolution and reformation?
I am, insane, this is inconceivable,
O, drum who am I suppose to revolt against?
And who am I suppose to reform?
Am I suppose to revolt against, my African ancestral psyche?

Please no, no...,don't,
O, my soul,
Yes I could see the ships,
voyaging the triangle,
The middle passage,
West Africa to St. Lucia,
Barbados to Jamaica.
Leaving, Angola to Brazil and New Orleans,
10,000 tones of branded West African slaves
21 millions lives unworthy of their creator's compassion.
Men like sardines in tins, chains and shackles,
Europe economy a York on their bent nicks,
cat-o-nine'-tail fragment backs.
Malnourished cattle, excessive cruelty
beating and deliberate drowning,
such deplorable and foul condition.

Please, ground me.
Move away from me
this scene, is too much, to pitiless,
I am brokenhearted, humiliated.
awaken me from this nightmare!

Who are those, are they, human beings, being experimented on?
I will have no part in this,
I could see Guinea-birds,
Awaken before sunrise, tolling till after sunset
whipping, hanging, hot oil frying, human BBQ.
Torturing, ravishing, inbreeding
mixing blue lines,
producing, musstifino, sambo, mulatto.

four hundred years of,
mandatory manipulation,
indestructible indoctrination,
have left a cosmopolitan psych.

"yes I got to fight, got to fight, got to fight....
fighting for what is right"

Anonymous said...

Race issues, very complex and interwoven things are little understood by our writers and our readers. The current emotions generated are not being channeled at all positively.

Few people ever consider how these emotions can be used as drivers for honest personal and national wealth creation, growth, and development.

Most discussions are mired in providing 'fig leaves' for our current state of underdevelopment, on a treadmill of driving forward by forever looking backward to a checkered past of still existing African tribal betrayal and disunity.

Anonymous said...


This is some kind of retarded, blame the victim philosophy. Don't look at history, and why blackpeople have not been allowed to play on a field stacked by racism.