Saturday, October 11, 2014

Is Sir Dwight Venner Right?


Anonymous said...

John, thank you for the article. As a regular visitor to st lucia may I humbly suggest that it does not need news hotels numbering in the tens. It needs to work to increase the occupancy of what it has. Hotels need economies of scale to work. More hotels cannibalise the sales. They should enhance what they have.

Also you don't want to chase lowest common denominator tourists. It's better to have fewer but more high end. They have larger disposable incomes and is different from the Mediterranean hellholes which have developed as a result of cheap tourism. What were once beautiful fishing villages have been concreted over for neon lights and litter everywhere. St lucia's USP is nature. So green policies should be introduced.More guest houses should be encouraged, in the community so local restaurants and cafes can thrive. Agrotourism allows merchants to sell their wares, rather than keeping people in hotel compounds.

Cut government wages and costs, increase transparency of procurement processes, raise income tax thresholds. Increase taxes of consumption in alcohol, fast foods. Maybe implement toll roads which would be self financing and allow checkpoints to stop criminals.

Anonymous said...

Dwight Venner has been heading the Central Bank for nearly a quarter of a century; and this is where the OECS now finds itself.

There needs to have a change of both him (Dwight Venner) and his side-kick Deputy from St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

This image says that the man in this photograph with the big afro; is laughing at the wool he pulled over the region's eyes; pissing in our eyes and calling it rain; whilst laughing all the way to the banks.

Anonymous said...

Short answer? No.

Anonymous said...

Venner is missing many more issues; such as, for example:

Senior Public Officials at Central Banks and Government Ministries who prostitute themselves with politicians for the reward? of keeping their jobs, getting more perks, promotions, recognition? such as Knighthoods, MBEs. QBEs and so forth. Whilst the countries which they serve go to tatters. Down the drains; if you will.

Anonymous said...

Blogger above you should have added; and when the international institutions like the IMF and the World Bank publicly announces the mess this Region is really in; exposing the so-called public officials charged with assessing the economies and the financial systems of these countries; they run out of their dark holes of calcutta; crying out Wolf, Wolf, Wolf.

These folks need to be castrated for causing such hardships and poverty to rain down on so many millions of people and generations to come.

Anonymous said...

I say Amen to that. Well said.

Anonymous said...

And what about the fallacy in this part of the world promulgated by these warped-thinking UWI graduates; indoctrinating the public in believing that people with degrees are the only ones who can make a contribution to their countries; and who have brains, are smart, sharp and wherein commonsense prevails.

By and large; this fallacy is one telling factor which has brought this region to ground zero.

Young up-starts with no work experience; some may have only taught at some University; and then for political pay-back favours; get thrusted in very serious positions in the countries only because they got in whatever form, some master's degree of PHD. and we have seen openly the mess these countries in our region have found themselves.

They have absolutely no idea of how to lead and/or manage any institution. I dare say; not even a Public Bathroom. They are really just a farce.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed; a lecturer in Economics at a University; overnight--- advises a Minister for Finance on every conceivable area in Government.

Or someone who studied the area of soils and agriculture becomes
adviser to the Minister for Finance.

Someone who trained in education all his life suddenly becomes a diplomat at world level.

Someone who studied accounting, suddenly thrust at a Central Bank at a most senior level ahead of several individuals with central banking experience?

How do you explain such phenomena. Except to identify it as "political prostitution".

A bunch of jokers in a pack of cards.

And you really expect this Region to do any better.

Anonymous said...

Our grey-haired morons, old foggies and fuddy-duddies are so moronic that they remove any and all things those morons can't understand. Idiots.