Saturday, October 4, 2014

What Can They Do Better


Anonymous said...

Did the writer say that Kenny Anthony was competent,and well experienced
Is this writer high on something?
How could any rational,intelligent person who lives in St.lucia or is familiar with the work of Kenny Anthony as prime minister describe him as competent and well experienced.
Now,let us look at this stupidity at another angle.kenny Anthony has competence in the art of distuction.He is experienced in the art of distruction.
At every turn the destruction of our country is as clear as day.Even as I write the demise of the economy continues.
I would like the writer to provide evidence to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

I've just finished reading A History of St Lucia. I cannot recommend it enough, particularly the last few chapters from 1990 to 2007. It tells you everything you need to know about Kenny's financial and legal deviancy, comptons demise and the rise of the parasitical class of politicians who DON'T KNOW ANYTHING.

This is why st lucia is in such a mess. It just has personality cults by wizard of oz type characters who promise the earth but are just as clueless as the rest.

Not until there is a return of the rule of law, applied transparently and equally will there be any hope of progress. All economic and social freedoms spring from this basic concept.

Anonymous said...

Lest we forget, the voters, spurred on by the spirits of Piton Beer and dead chicken, having eaten their legs are the decision makers come election time. It has happened before. Therefore, our borbolist mentality might account for yet another, "it will be alright in the morning", as embarrassing as this may sound.

But is the voting public both FORMALLY and INFORMALLY educated enough about the outcomes of their past behaviour to correct for positive national visionary instead of individual ambition outcomes? I don't think so.

Let us not continue to fool ourselves. The party stalwarts in both main parties are just as clueless as those they agree to run for office and handed leadership titles.

Do we have to wait for a new generation of voters, Millennials, to see nationalist interests trump those of purely individual ambition in local politics?