Saturday, March 12, 2011

Statement from Senator the Honourable Allen M. Chastanet Minister of Tourism & Civil Aviation



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nothing you, Chastanet, say is credible. You have been found guilty of LYING by the high courts, no less.

Take a hike!!

Anonymous said...

'Up dates on the police investigation"...what police investigation you are talking about? You know very well, as well as the whole of St Lucia, that there will be no investigation.

Who will do the investigation? Your corrupt and trigger happy bunch of idiots called the RSLPF...

Anonymous said...

My goodness people you need to be more responsible when you make statements on public media. Put aside your personal sentiments about the messenger-minister, and think about the issue at hand. In an effort to manage a crisis which may blacklist the country, you cast doubt on whether or not the crime is being investigated? Shame on you and your bias.

Anonymous said...

My God, instead Chastanet try to boost up the security of the country to protect both the tourist and the populist. He advocated the closing of the tourism site. Now he is offering apologies to the tourist, how dumb, and it people like him who claim to have all the answers.

Anonymous said...