Tuesday, July 12, 2011

On Order of the Excellency of the President of Saint Lucia!



Anonymous said...

Your usual mumbo jumbo my boy?

Kensley Peter Charlemagne said...

Thank you for reading and for the usual unconstructive comments.

Anonymous said...

Peter, every significant change that has happened in the world has come about because conditions changed the wealth positions of some group or groups. Slavery did not come to an end because of palavering by some goodie-two shoes group of abolitionists. Slavery became uneconomic therefore they stopped it. The British used military force to ensure that outcome. The American North did the same regarding the Southern States. They went to war.

If you honestly and squarely face St. Lucia's problems you would see that the society is fractured by economic classes of haves and havenots. No amount of window dressing with change of Head of State will affect the fundamental problems of 40% poverty or 25% unemployment. What you are proposing is a whole heap of tosh. You have bought the bollocks that is being tossed around as gospel. How do you explain the changes in PRC?

Kensley Peter Charlemange said...

Stimulating to say the least! I think that you may have something valuable to contribute to the process of change after all. I believe you to be saying that St Lucia is ripe for change. I know what the status quo is and that is why we have to think out of the box. I do agree with you that the change cannot be of mere nomenclature.
It is only a matter of time before the PRC adopts a more democratic system of government and just picking up from a recent BBC report they are thinking along the lines that i am thinking.

Anonymous said...

Here again Peter, the economics drives the politics. With 'No taxation without representation', a new nation grew out of that economic thesis. The PRC will most likely become the number one economy in the world in your lifetime. The surplus wealth generated will most probably see translation in greater military strength. This can lead to the swallowing up of Taiwan, forced settlement or war with Japan on territorial claims, a possible war with the Number 4 economy in the world, India.

The changes or disparities in wealth drive the politics. See why the constitutional change exercise is placing the cart before the horse. Philosophically, it has little to contribute to supporting any gains for any group save the politicians. These reformists are so way off base with their cosmetic changes.

To a certain extent you are right. The clamour for increased wages is part of the democratic process in the PRC. If they can solve the skills problems of the aftermath of the one-child family and the aging population, the economy will remain on the current growth path. The scenario above will hold. A more democratic system will consolidate the gains made by the new stakeholders. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

I agree whole heartedly with all the comments made by the writter, well done you for having the courage to speak out ......... again.
I wish these people who have so much to contribute to the bloggs could galvanise themselves into taking some non violent direct action, and become smybols of change 4 the island.

Anonymous said...

If it's good for Canada, Australia, New Zealand, The Bahamas etc. then it's good for Saint Lucia. We will never be a republic because we are too small to stand alone.
Did you know that because of our connection to the Crown, that Saint Lucia constantly punches above her weight? You have no idea of what goes on behind the scenes.
Sir, please educate yourself and come again.
You have been weighed, measured, and found wanting!

Anonymous said...

You fool, the Queen is above politics and that's what makes us different from those crazy Yanks.

Anonymous said...

If we remove the GG the rep for the Queen, and shoe-in a so-called president, that person will just be a mannequin. The GG as representative of the Queen has reserve powers.

May be you are just too young to appreciate this last point in relation to what happened to the Maurice Bishop regime and the role of the GG in managing the crisis.

A President will be less than a dressed-up broomstick. Alright. This one in Government House fits the president's role alright. Why? No matter how far the UWP shows its incapacity to govern she lets the governance situation deteriorate.

I prefer males and people with a more hard-edged educational background than linguistics.

Look out! We have goons of the rep of the international narcotics world in St. Lucian beating up on our security forces. The puppet PM says nothing! Tacit acceptance of the status quo by that spineless quakebuttock. What is the next point down this slippery slope?

That woman GG is good only for wearing fancy hats. Leave the Head of State issue well alone. We have more to gain from the retention of the status quo than its removal.

Lose the GG and lose the reserve powers? Hell no!