Thursday, August 11, 2011

Political Spinning



Anonymous said...

Micah, for your edification: you must ever start a sentence, a chapter, a page, a book with a negative! Here you have committed the cardinal sin.

Anonymous said...

Yes english teacher, I am not saying you are wrong but I. Did some schooling and I never heard that one. I have heard you should not use two negatives in a sentence. I have noticed everytime Micah write an article there is some one who try to correct him on his writing. What I know is some of us are better at the english language than others, but the language is complicated and none of us is perfect at it. There is always a better way something could be said to bring out the message better. People always make mistakes in their writing, thus a book writer has proof readers.
So instead of looking for petty mistakes each time in his articles, why not make a positive contribution about the article to allow somebody to finds mistakes in your writing, because your english could never be perfect?

Anonymous said...

Amen, above...I need not say anything, you have said it all!

Perhaps #1 could apply to head the English department of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Oxford or Cambridge Universities, since he, singlehandedly, is perceived to be so proficient in the use of the Queen's about that, apply, won't you!!


Anonymous said...

You said you do not know why the PM said what he said, every school child know, how come you do not know? He made that statement because he is dumb plain and simple, he never realize Kenny has spread schools in all corners of St Lucia, so people are not stupid as before. What that amaze me more is, it was read by one who is suppose to be the PM press advicer. The very first sentense of the speech did not make sense. It said something to the effect that he the PM was told that the voice carried a letter, trying to imply he did not see the letter in the paper nor did he read it. Let us say he is to busy to read the paper but something so important that could affect his career. Why would he not want to read it himself or even have the person read it to him, atleast he is the PM? So he was just told about the letter and he issue a national statement about it, more spining.

Anonymous said...

Micah, for your edification: you must ever start a sentence, a chapter, a page, a book with a negative! Here you have committed the cardinal sin.

August 11, 2011 2:19 PM

What??????????????? Say that again? On whose authority?

Armchair Anonymous said...

If and when Micah, or any journalist for that matter, makes a error when writing the English Language - it should be brought to his attention; constructively!!

Also, it reflects poorly on the proof readers and the editor, if the article gets printed with grammatical, spelling, and other errors.

If blogger #1 has a VALID point - before crucifying him, check your English Language books/manuals to see if he is correct, he just might be!! Also, he could be an "old school" alumni!!

The English Language has many complicated rules and regulations, especially in "journalistic writing" - so be careful there.

Poor Jacques must be rolling in his grave!!

Armchair Anonymous said...

lol ... rewriting opening paragraph:
"If and when Micah, or any journalist for that matter, makes AN error ..."

*Phew!!* Before I get crucified by the pundits!!