Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dr. Kenny Anthony delivers an a la carte policy statement of hardship and inadequacy


falfret said...

AA Pru you still there? Azzi still waiting on you to form two! Everyone left LPM and you still claiming to be leader?

Anonymous said...

Bravo Prudent! Keep thinking positive my brother.

Anonymous said...


As an SLP this is a pretty great piece of writing.

The options and opinions is a clear message to understand - not one imported from Barbados, and one that Kenny is uncomfortable delivering.

Notice how he was sweating in an air condition room -wiping his forehead and face - and not looking up at the camera.

I am reading the LPM response again and you should.

Flambeau said...

From En Rouge to En Miseree LOL
Boy trust looshans to come up with new phrases. LOL whooyee
It look like Kenny stick in that one.

Anonymous said...

Can Prudent frame a credible budget for us that will mirror his unending strings of REPETITION and GENERALIZATIONS? Prove that you are not just not a lot of hot air for once!

Anonymous said...

How can a man who is not in power frame a budget for you??? Is he the PM of the country??? He gave you his party response to Kenny's fan chou Sent Lisi plan. Why are placeing the cart before the horse.

Anonymous said...

This budget was missing some key ingredients which the LPM's response noted: productivity, efficiency, export, comparative advantage and sacrifice. St. Lucia is headed in the direction of Greece when the island should be headed in the direction of Germany. What is it that is in the budget that the world market needs. All kenny presented was a budget where we will eat all what we produce until we explode in weight.

Anonymous said...

This thing really have me confused and I am not sure which way to go with it. Who is giving us faulty information here.

I heard Kenny saying that we can expect growth of 4.5 percent but in an IMF report St Lucia's projected growth for 2012 is 1.9 and 2.4 projected for 1213. Can someone explain to me what is going on?

Anonymous said...

sorry 2013

Anonymous said...

Clearly, the government of Saint Lucia is not living within its means and has lost its legitimacy to instruct the household and business sectors.

By now one would have expect the technocrats and the advisors to instruct the government in very simple and layman’s terms for comprehension and then have an honest conversation with the public on what Saint Lucia can afford and how; and moreover what Saint Lucia cannot afford and why.

More answer can be found -

Anonymous said...

This was an election year budget...maybe elections will be next year.

ABC said...

what do we expect from Kenny Gwen Tony.

Anonymous said...

Prudent would be more convincing and believable, if could have found just one thing that was good about the budget. Without this, he is just politricking as usual. Talk, talk, talk, and more talk. There are no specifics up there at all, just broad generalized statements skimming on the surface. Just tricky words. That is all, all the time from start to finish.

Anonymous said...

If Prudent was all talk what do you suppose Kenny was doing? LIke someone said before this sounded like an electin year budget. Can someone tell Kenny the elections are over and its time to be real with the us.

Anonymous said...

Make up your darn mind. It sounds like or it is an election budget? Ok.

What are the faults in the details of the budget? You sound like George Odlum. You cannot understand it. Therefore make a fool of yourself by dismissing it outright.

Have you ever had an input into the frame of a real budget? Is sounding like a sin or a failure? Does your opinion of what sounds like, make it so? But because it sounds like, does that mean that it is so? Or, is it that you are too dumb to know the difference?

Anonymous said...

The tax and spend liberal ideology of blindfolds and trick, smiles, tickles and happy hands will not commence a transformation of St.Lucia's economic landscape.

Anonymous said...

It is an election year budget. The difference is that after a party has won the elections, it has four years to implement austerity measures. In this instance, Kenny SLP will have the next four years fire-fighting. This is Greece in the Caribbean..or should I say "Grease." lol.

Anonymous said...

Kenny knows that what he presented to us was pure crap. Let's see how well this milk and honey approach benifit the country.

Anonymous said...

Kenny knows that what he presented to us was pure crap. Let's see how well this milk and honey approach benifit the country.

Anonymous said...

Kenny has already given away $32 million dollars of the people's money to the hotels. Who authorized him to do that? Will the collectors of VAT pay to the government what they collect? Then why? Where is the precedence that those who collect money on behalf of the government paid that money to the treasury? Kenny is creating one of the most indisciplined nations in the Caribbean.

Anonymous said...

Here is the other gimmick. Kenny quietly increased the country's overdraft facility from $25 million to $35 million, not because it was insufficient but because this limit has been there for the past 20 years. This is not financial mismanagement but financial lunacy. All brothers and sisters of Labour should take the island's check book away from Kenny because there are some good men and women in the party who mean well. Kenny has his own agenda which is separate from that of the party and country. "I have no malice in my heart."

Jean in Georgia said...

True that! It's these kinds of things that some don't care to understand. Just because it was presented by the "good doctor" don't always make it right. Its time for us to have a brain of our own and to find our our identity instead of remaining on bended knees idolizing the crazy policies of man who is in the twilight of his political career.

Anonymous said...

LPM has something better to offer than just hot air? Prudent is just repeating words he does not understand the meaning of most of the time.

Now to the idiot who does not understand that the other OECS and CARICOM countries that have a VAT, the businesses are mandated by law to collect taxes for the government.

If there is any kind of indiscipline it is the people in general who have not moved from being banana growers and cutters and are not ready to raise their level of social responsibility.

Anonymous said...

I could only stomach 15 mins of the verbally flatulant SLP inept who spoke in the House on the budget.

First I listened to a once faux George Odlum speak as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Already looking fat, sleek and shiny this clueless yet arrogant politician from Laborie was informing all and sundry on how to run an airline. The blind leading the blind. What a joke to behold.

Then the corpulant and historically failed leader was on air in a jovial manner addressing all in the House like the little children then have been when around him.

Rubbing his fat fingers in glee this we must remember was the same vicious looking ponderous creature who refused to go to any functions as Leader of the Opposition and spent 5 years attacking ambassadors, friendly countries and anything that moved because he was no longer PM.

Now with his total lack of humility he was rubbing the fat fingers, rubbing his massive gut as he chuckled at his own jokes. Happy now to be back in the drivers seat. What a spectacle !

And St lucians will listen to the Kenny and Tony drivel. We know as in times past that nothing will be efficiently implemented. They will only tax , borrow and spend like the little socialists/liberals they are and bitter days will continue for the next 4 1/2 years.

Nothing on Grynsberg or the expansion on government or the cutting of debt.

Anonymous said...

Even a blind man can see where the SLP is leading us. I bet you next year about this time we are still going to be talking about the better days that haven't arrived. St Lucia would be e saddled with STEP and its expansion with nothing to sure for it except a mountain of debt.

Kudos to all those who have the balls to oppose Kenny Anthony.

Anonymous said...


Is this Economics or Politics -


Where is the $100 million.It's 5 months now.

What about government restructuring and cost reduction?

Anonymous said...

We have so many arm-chair economists now coming out of the woodwork. Most of them are not making any sense. It is not good enough just to throw out ideas. You have to think it out clearly.

One clever one just got some bright ideas. What about government restructuring and cost reduction?

What the hell do those two things mean? Nobody knows. Where and how?

Dumb St. Lucians must remember that economics is not for jokers, although we had a load of them in something called the UWP cabinet.

Unless you know what you are talking about, it is better to put up or just shut up! White people laughing at we! It is time that we stop making @$$es of yourselves!

Anonymous said...

That arm chair SLP Jeremie Street rum shop talker sounds like Obama's economists who promised 7% unemployment if they passed the trillion dollar stimulus. Instead it went to 10% and is still 8.1%. The longest recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Well we know of gay Obama's utter failure.

just like the SLP. They borrow and spend and accumulate debt to "prime pump" the economy when things are bad.
When things are a little better they borrow more, spend more and tax more and accumulate more debt.

And we dum dum St. Lucians follow that failed leadership over the cliff.

Anonymous said...

Kenny has moved from: "I can feel your pain" to "I have no malice in my heart." This is Stephen Spielberg at his best. St. Lucians are in for one hell of theatrics over the next five years. In addition to NICE, SMILE etc., next year Kenny will be introducing: "OOPS" it was not me.

Anonymous said...

Kenny and Tony have gone in light year speed along the psychotic spectrum.

It is quite frightening.

In his 5 years of pergatory as Leader of the Opposition because of his and Philip Pierre's failed leadership he appeared to have come down from the narcissistic arrogant attitude so prevalant from 1997 -2006. Remember the boxes of champagne that had to be put away after the elections in 2006.

Yet he could not help himself with his tight lipped pronouncements of doom and his and his party's vicious attacks of Chou, Taiwan and all and sundry.
5 years of bile, hot air and a generally low class attitude towards his role as LOO.

Fastforward just 5 months and he is in the House (but now as PM) jovial, rubbing the fat fingers, the big belly rumbling and the strained appearance of what we assume is a smile from the once razor sharp mouth.

Can you imagine what arrogance and viciousness we can therefore expect within the year especially when VAT does not bring in the money he wants and the tourism tanks for summer?

Bitter days are here again !

Anonymous said...

You guys are here politicking while the country is scared to death about VAT, secret SLP deals costing the darn country, over $45 million each term Kenny gets as Minister of Finance. What a pathetic group of idiots we have as citizens of this country. No god damn positivity coming out you idiots! What a country! Little wonder the politicians are giving away piece by piece every chance they get, starting with John Compton.

Anonymous said...

They say that St. Lucia is idiot country and I believe them.

Anonymous said...

Richard Frederick could have gone a little easier on "Tata" for accusing Tata of plagiarism by copying policies from Barbados and writing them into the budget. At least St. Lucia is getting two for the price of none: Pappy and Tata.

Anonymous said...

Some people are good at selling drugs with financial support from the underground. See how they do it Mexico and Columbia?

That is what the Labour Party saved us from by winning the last elections. If not, we would still be burying our young at a rate of one a week from Agard, to Bois Patate, to the Grave Yard and to Grass Street.

Do you feel the difference? No? You are not honest enough to admit the change?

Let Kenny borrow from Barbados any day, instead of from Columbia and Mexico. Good going in Mexico. They just recently dumped the torsos of 49 people on a highway.

Yes. Forty-nine bodies with their heads, hands and feet hacked off were found Sunday dumped on a northern Mexico highway leading to the Texas border in what appeared to be the latest carnage in an escalating war between Mexico's two dominant drug gangs.

Are we not lucky? We could still be waiting for an idiot for a prime minister, another idiot of minister for security, a jailbird if he were not sick, all of these controlled by a drug lord, to govern this country properly.

Imagine that. Most of our idiots were expecting something good to come out of a jailbird. A jailbird, you know.

My God, the UWP is a party of jailbirds, for jailbirds and by jailbirds.

Anonymous said...

LPM, you should stop charging people $5 for "membership" card.

Anonymous said...

where have you been living? Under some rocks. To be fair to the LPM every party including my own the SLP charges a membership fee.

Anonymous said...

Richard was on target regarding the budget. Let us see Kenny provide all the answers he was asking King about Richard. "The files" are in his office. He have full access to the US consulate in Barbados. If he can't we know that it was just gwen as usual.

Anonymous said...

Richard has even more gwen. The US cut his nuts off. He cyan go there.

Anonymous said...

What does Kenny and Richards BS have to do easing the economic pain.We borrow large sums of money and put it into programs that amounts to zero returns? This can't be good accounting and management.

Anonymous said...

-My God, the UWP is a party of jailbirds, for jailbirds and by jailbirds.--


Don't worry when St Lucians have had enough of Kenny we are sure to hear the same tune. What goes around always comes around. You don't know anything about politics if you believe it karma strikes only once. It's not even a year and people are complaining.

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucia needs the ‘epic triangle of success’ (business, political and social leaders) to work together towards a new form of diverse innovation and leadership, in order to develop a new sustainable paradigm.

To facilitate this, the politics and governance of Saint Lucia need a paradigm shift away from the physical to the mind. This would liberate the country from its clever enemies and their schemes, and enable us to achieve a future that works for the vast majority - and makes lives better.

Anonymous said...

The banner headline by that LPM fellow is dishonest, unless he is living out of the country and also did not listen attentively to the budget statement. Mr. Anthony went at great lengths to show the list of items that would be VAT exempt or with a zero rate. Where is the hardship? Where was the writer, in la la land?

No budget is without faults. One would have to admit that somethings may be missing. Yet, no country in the world that has used something like any triangle as this man says, has solved all of its problems. Therefore, that one idea is no silver bullet.

The LPM leader can suggest as much medicine as it wants. However, if the LPM leader cannot even win his own seat, he is just like Azzi. Both are nice people I guess, but more, I think just very entertaining blokes.

Castries East said...

How can you judge anyones ablity because they did not win a seat. How foolish. If LPM keep pressing on they go make it one day.

By the way they make better sense than Kenny.

Anonymous said...

Who is going to vote for anyone with dual citizenship if as soon as that person wins, any citizen can contest that result and win hands down because it is illegal under the law? Are you kidding yourself? The LPM is a farce.

Castries East said...

You look like you have issues fool. I think you should have yourself checked in.

Anonymous said...

The people did not waste their votes on that guy at all. They know the law. He just does not seem to be too familiar with it.

Anonymous said...

God put a hand quick.

I see Kenny Anthony want to take St Lucians for a joy ride again.

Anonymous said...

The LPM leader is a joke because the person he admired so much is the same one that made the law that put a spoke in the wheel. They say that he went to Kenny to help him. This is as if Kenny would have any interest in something like that. You can contest but you will not hold the seat because the courts will say that you broke the law. Tell us who is looking more like a fool now?

Anonymous said...

I hope the SLP can give us a report on Jazz. They spent millions of dollars on Jazz. Was there any profit?

Anonymous said...

Where youth unemployment is concerned, labour policies would open island-wide job training, linking colleges with businesses in apprenticeship programmes, with options for tax credits. Resource centres would be established to provide job-search assistance. Attention to these support structures is microscopic in Anthony’s policy statement in relation to the current requirements for national development.

This type of development is critical if the unemployed are ever to be weaned from the dependency syndrome implicit in the current estimates of revenue and expenditure. It would appear that the option of handout policies is preferred in a la carte portions.

Miami said...

I glad to hear LPM back on track.The news you'll put out on the radio today was knocking hard.Keep it up and do not give up. St Lucia need people who are for real.

Anonymous said...

That group of people called the LPM is just one person. There are 17 seats to win. They could not even win just one. What? Azzi sounds more convincing. These people believe that press statements are the same thing as winning seats.

Anonymous said...

Please be reminded sir, there are two schools of thought on the economy today. One is the follower of austerity measures and the other encourages growth through spending. Dr. Anthony chose to concentrate on the latter. What is wrong with this? All human institutions are imperfect, and the challenge for each is to learn from the successes and failures. The United Kingdom is facing a double dip recession because it decided to implement austerity measures whereas the United States is recovering simply because it decided to give out stimulus packages. Given a choice I would chose the latter. Therefore, I think it is very disingenuous of those who claim to be expert in a field to solicit information without first conducting a comprehensive analysis.

Anonymous said...

You know people have to stop listerning to magiee.

How can you compare St Lucia with the USA. Where in the heavens are we going to be able to pay back our debt after borrowing so much. The governor general open her speech tell us to tighten our belts but when Kenny did the directopposite. How can you feel justified to encourage St Lucians to free load on resources we don't have. Is that belt tightening. England and company know they don't have the means to spend what they don't have. This is why they have take the precautions they have. Not even USA is out of the woods. Look at they jobs report for the last two months. You think they proud of this.

Anonymous said...

[May 14, 2012 12:50 PM] has made the most sensible statement about the budget to date. Look at this. Almost all the people are either attacking Kenny or saying like the writer of the article, what is not in the budget. Are you people saying that there is nothing in the budget? Is it that you including the writer know so little about the thing they call economics that you all are sounding like people who have been drinking? What is in the budget itself that is wrong? Give us details. Answer this and try to sound more informed, rather than just party hacks.

Flambeau said...

It look like you have a problem understanding Kenny's budget does not lift St Lucia out of its economic woes?

Giving freeness left right and center does not mean we have arrived at a solution.

Kenny is hoping that VAT is going to bringing enough money in to replay our debt. Poor jabb the country.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Dr. Anthony chose to concentrate on the latter."

Please refer me to the section and page number of the budget statement that deals with this.I have the 63 page document in front of me.

Also "a comprehensive analysis" of the budget is is such that - referring to the article -----

---What is presented is an awkward contributor that serves self interest and special interest elites, with the hope of retaining real political power.

I would remind you of Mahatma Gandhi’s statement: “Beware of politics without principles and commerce without morality.”

In the words of Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador,” We are living through a change of times rather than through times of change.”

Flambeau said...

Yeah hold on to it and when you finish with it don't forget to use it for toilet paper because it have no value. LOL

Anonymous said...

Just like the jokers in the UWP, nonsense comments that only the ignorant see worth clapping for time and time again.

The article like the author does not show a command of any knowledge that puts holes in the budget. Maybe he cannot do it.

So he talks about triangles, squares, and everything else. What about the measures in the budget? Which groups will suffer from which particular measures? Which ones are good but those measures are not good enough? Try to sound a little more intelligent. Can you?

Anonymous said...

Economics is in the eye of the beholder. Economics for a socialist is not the same for a capitalist. Make your pick.

Anonymous said...

Let get some specific details. That nonsense about capitalist and socialist is a cover for a lack of knowledge. Where did Kenny go wrong in the measures he announced? The critics lack the knowledge to do so. They are trying their very best not to show it. But it is obvious that the article and people here are just shooting the usual bull. They are not making the grade and they can see it.

Anonymous said...

It is a good budget..but it is written for Dubhai. It could solve all the island's problem to the point that St. Lucians will not have to bother to work. Kenny is continuing to show a preference for borrow and spend instead of generating. He gave up $32million dollars in hotel occupancy tax..i.e. taxes which hotels collected on behalf of government. He gave up the increase in departure taxes which the travel market had already adjusted to. He will now appoint a commission of experts to examine the feasibility of renovating Hewanorra Wirport..imagine the committee on foreign affairs has not been able to report as yet, how long will the Hewanorra commission take to report..five years. And then he loads the budget with all these social programs. Whereas Obama is spending his way out of the recession, he is doing so by increasing exports and having jobs that are based overseas returned to the US...businesses are hiring. The budget is a great one once Kenny can get the money to finance the social problems. Good ideas Mr. PM.

Anonymous said...

Poor jab. Pru does not know that he only leading himself. Or, is it mis-leading himself? Look behind you man. Do you see anybody there? We are not seeing anybody behind you.

Anonymous said...

Despite years of political manoeuvring and sixty years as a political party, Anthony’s administration policy statement still remains a cross word puzzle that lacks the capacity to bring reform or build the foundations for a new economic model for Saint Lucia.

Anonymous said...

@3:04 PM. Just about anybody can say that. Where is the proof taken from the budget? What part of the budget supports your sweeping statement? That is just your opinion. What parts of the budget in financial terms are going to help or hinder the current economic situation? Separate each one out and show the effects of the bad things that you are suggesting @ 3:04 PM.

Castries East said...

I don't know why some people don't stop making an arse of themselves. Does it matter if Mr. Prudent is leading 1 or a million people? What's your point any way? It look like you jealous of the man. I for one did not vote because LPM did not have a candidate in Castries East. Do I consider Mr. Prudent my leader? You bet I do because LPM is my party.

Anonymous said...

“There can be little denying that the state of a country’s economy is a reflection of the quality of its labor force. A dispassionate look would reveal the labor force in Saint Lucia as bottom heavy, retail oriented, generally unskilled, with limited work ethic.”
Moreover, that the island’s work force was, as now, “dependent on others for the creation of employment opportunities.” And since the labor force that would take Saint Lucia comfortably into the 21st Century and beyond would have to be “highly skilled, adaptable, productive, creative and entrepreneurial, the question to be answered was how do we make that quantum leap?”

Anonymous said...

The LPM is my party and my one vote is a landslide. He, he, he!

Flambeau said...

Don't worry LPM. You fellas pin juke their backsides. They never thought Lazareth would rise from the dead. LOL lOL LPM is like a small palude in Kenny's behind. LOL

Anonymous said...

True of False

“The SLP government was never convinced that VAT was the right way to go. Never! One thing is certain,” he said in 2006, “your retail prices will jump. It is naked taxation to raise additional revenue for the government. Every country where VAT has been introduced has experienced a spiral in food prices.”

Anonymous said...

The PM took pains to design his list of zero-rated VAT items. He was most generous. He showed great awareness. He tried. What more could you ask for? You people are either being totally dishonest or are just plain dumb.

Anonymous said...

This LPM statement shows neither skill nor knowledge of the budget process. It is just plain opposition politics.

Anonymous said...

It is well document and beyond the time for policymakers to grasp the reciprocal understanding that the allocation of resources, incentives and special handouts must be tied to increased economic
It must satisfy the public requirements (as customers) and improve their way of life to achieve prosperity—the better way forward.
Which means, when politicians and non-thinkers attempt to match labour, (physical ability) and tax payer’s revenue (capital), there must be improved economic performance?

Anonymous said...

All that I want to know is what sections of the budget will impact me when. Then when that happens what to do about it.

Nobody up there even the writer of the article is absolutely clueless about that. Therefore all of you all are talking bare foolishness. Please discuss the budget. It is the budget and not Kenny that we have to deal with in the future. When it comes to hot air, St. Lucians are so full of it.

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants you only have to look back at the previous budget addresses by Kenny Anthony while Minister of Finance and Prime Minister to see the huge gap between the words and the actual results of his management of St. Lucia.

In fact you can also look at the speeches in the house of the other members of the SLP to see the vast difference between what they say and what transpires.

Half of what they said over the past few days in the house could be taken directly from previous speeches.

Same speeches about how great things are going to be, same results of poor management and the wasting of the peoples' taxes.

Yet the hacks and opportunists like Michael Chastanet write garbage about how great and wonderful the budget was and how well St. Lucia shall do in the future.

Anonymous said...

What about dealing with the present for a change. The past is history and we cannot take it back. It has gone from us. The issue before us is the present or recently presented budget. Deal with that. Don't give us the usual party political nonsense again and again.

Anonymous said...

The Lucian People’s Movement (LPM) has no doubt that this magician budget is a recipe for economic disaster, and believes that the people of Saint Lucia could well be heading towards a state of “en misere”, or perpetual dependence.

Anonymous said...

Jobs Creation
Construction Expansion
Fiscal Consolidation

All centered on ....15% vat.... intake

Yep, STEP, NICE, LEAP, TIPPER OR RIPPER,SMILES, are all controlling liberal socialist schemes of a dependency culture of handouts.

No mention of the food import bill SLU in excess of 300 million....that needs to be tackle head on.

Efficiency and redistribution in the public service- no mention?

Vat.. is open for wide schemes $180.000.00 as the threshold?

The reporting method?

Listen to the Director of Statistics unable to collect vital stats and compile information????

Vat is even more complex....

Joan said...

--This LPM statement shows neither skill nor knowledge of the budget process. It is just plain opposition politics.---

What budget process??? Is the LPM represented in the house? What budget process were they supposed to have followed.???

You talk as if it's political with everyone and not Kenny. Give us a freaking break.

Anonymous said...

Your ignores shows. You do not know a thing about the budget process. Do you? Have you any knowledge of the creation of a budget for even a company? Have you been part of any team that has created a budget for any large organization?

'White people laughing at we.' We are BSing and we think that we are making sense!

Criticize the steps or provisions in the budget. Show some more intelligence than the shameless Guy Josephs, the ex-US convict, or the last PM.

Anonymous said...

Some people are just trying to fool others as much as they are fooling themselves. Someone has been asking for criticism of the items contained in the last budget. That article and the back-up posse have not come forward with any. That means that they are incompetent to do just this.

Well, they are trying their best to make up for it with personal attacks. Is this not what most of the ignorant among us do best?

Anonymous said...

What budget? borrowing what you don't have and spending what you can't affoard is a budget?

Flambeau said...

--Have you any knowledge of the creation of a budget for even a company? Have you been part of any team that has created a budget for any large organization? ---



Anonymous said...

This discussion is apparently being done from a rumshop. Nobody has asked the most important question about the amount borrowed. Is it for an investment that will bring money to the government. Or is it like the idiotic buying of something like the Daher building. Now a sensible group of people are in power, were are learning that the scrap is worth less than the UWP bought it.

When you want a piece of land you borrow to buy it. It is worth something. When you vote idiots to power they buy scrap that is worth less than was paid for it. That is the difference between idiots talking about borrowing and making sense of what is the borrowing about. You all are so full of it up to your eyes!

Anonymous said...

A quick look at where Saint Lucia now stands, as presented through the estimates of revenue of expenditure, indicates that something is deeply wrong: Most sectors are disadvantaged, with weak fiscal adjustments, social and economic hindrances and further constraints caused by poor infrastructure. This all suggests a potential disaster.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous....the LPM has for your information business management, fortune 500 company executives, financial controllers and business executives and chairman of companies and charitable organization to name a few.

All have top notch budget management and experience locally and internationally.

This budget and policy statement is heading towards a state of “en misere”, or perpetual dependence.

Take a look at Greece.

It is not for the LPM to provide an alternative budget.However they have and will continue to punch and expose the inadequacies and inconsistency, with options and reason.

This will give you an opportunity to see things differently and provide another avenue to be brief on matters you clearly view, using minute capabilities.

Anonymous said...


.the LPM has for your information business management, fortune 500 company executives, financial controllers and business executives and chairman of companies and charitable organization to name a few.


Eh, eh, where were dem fellas during the last election? Now LPM lost, they have all dis qualification, but did not go up for election? Wha happen? Dat was not dere before? Woye! Ou c'est un maitre couyon pour repeter baatise ca la. Fortune 500?

Flambeau said...

LPM pin juke you'll backside that is why you'll mad.

sacway sort.

Anonymous said...

LPM = the new ONE. Talk shop. They have all these high power and could not win a seat. A stupid ignorant country bookie called Guy Joseph won his seat. Guy Joseph 1, and LPM, none.

Anonymous said...

After wading through this useless mass of verbiage in that LPM article and the so-called comments, a keen observer will see that all of this is devoid of any analysis. Yes. Where is the analysis?

It is time to end this comical George Odlum idea of a what is budget debate. All that is repeated here is description after description but no analysis. The population is being fed a pointless diet of useless characterizations without any attention to content analysis. Who do these foolish people think they are kidding? You? Not me?

Anonymous said...

In a desperate bid to save face, following his grand political promise of “better days”, Dr. Anthony may have delivered a magician budget that makes Mao Tse Tung’s “Great Leap Forward” of 1958-1961 seems pale by comparison.

Anonymous said...

You seemed hooked on the LPM view points in the article.Maybe it has struck a core. I hope so.

But, wait, there is more to come..we, (LPM) will keep you enlighten as the months go by because, unfortunately, Dr. Kenny Anthony’s 2012/2013 policy statement is, at best, anaemic, and appears quite unable to support the developmental challenges of Saint Lucia.

Anonymous said...

LPM spokesperson, give us an analysis of the budget not a propaganda statement on presentation of the budget. Is that too subtle and too difficult for LPM too?

You see, anyone can produce that missive the Prudent wrote in the paper WITHOUT EVER HAVING TO READ OR LISTEN TO THE BUDGET ITEMS.

And it seems clear to anyone who knows, that is just what this LPM missive is. It is only PR just like in the past.

As a piece of PR, it is not an analysis of the budget at all. It does not even come close. PR and propaganda does not get votes and far less even seats.

The LPM failed to get not even one seat by just writing and writing press releases.

You do not win seats and a government by just writing and writing.

You guys never seem to learn anything. Why are you wasting your Fortune 500 time trying to fool people that you are talking about the budget?

In politics you can fool only some people all of the time.

Anonymous said...

Flambeau May 16th 2012@ 4.o4pm.How about you? Proof read after writing. I did not know such a word exist. Nothong. Sorti lar. Learn to spell properly instead of checking Kenny and his comrades.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a response. But does not show that the writer knows anything about analyzing a budget. How can you poke holes into something that you do not understand? You talk your usual papishow. No?

'Great piece of writing' my big toe!

Some people fail to realize that the days of idiot Bruce Tucker, idiot King, the sly fox drug lord, and those jackass Guys are over. Give us real budget analysis. Reply to the budget. Put up or shut up!

Anonymous said...

For eluciation it makes sense to examine the latest "sure to fail" Anthony budget.

But what a waste of time !

Even if EVERYTHING in the budget made sense you can guarantee that Kenny and Tony simply do not have the skill sets to implement - even if he was copying Owen Arthur from Barbados.

Yet I know (because I have done it successfull in the past to good effect) if you take the time to read behind the lines, do your research and examine with practical tools -it would become clear very quickly the kind of Potemkin village facade that Kenny has employed every time he presents budgets.

After all this is the person who complains that the debt servicing is in excess of $200 million BUT he does not admit that he caused the debt to balloon by over $1 billion EVEN WHEN THE WORLD ECONOMY WAS BOOMING.

This is the person quick to show that Govt salaries cost taxpayers ober $400 million annually but he does not reconnize that he more than anyone else expanded the size of government to accomodate hacks and his governmental control.

We just have to get used to the idea that with the set of scamps on the other side of the House that Kenny is there for another 10 years !

Bitter days are here again with no repreive !

Anonymous said...

Even Rochamel is an interesting fraud perpetuated on the people of St. Lucia.

When the SLP presented the bill in the House to borrow the money for the Hyatt "infilicity" it was presented in such a way as to appear to accomodate other money requirements for the government.

We never did learn where ALL the $110 million went from that bill. The bill never explained what portion went to Hyatt and which portion went to "other". We have gotten so used to SLP incompetence that we now shrugg of when 10s of millions are just "lost" in the government maw.

We deserve what we get.

Anonymous said...


Rochamel $110 million
NCA 30 million
Road Cost overuns 125 million
Hellinites 1 million
Grynsberg 20 million
SLP hack
appointments 100 million
Too many Ministers 15 million
Fraud in govt
($100m annually) 1,000 million
Travel 20 million
Interest payment
on debt 450 m

Total : EC$ 1,871 million or $1.871 billion.

So you all think it is a joke when the SLP waste $150 to $200 million annually.
Just as we have no sense of personal rsponsibility in this island just so we think that govt is someone elses problem and refuse to call people accountable.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:15 PM....I laugh so hard I pee in my panty. You are hilarious but the name is so true.LMFAOROTF