Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gay Marriages and Religious Intolerance


Anonymous said...

Another complete idiot with a modicum of knowledge wanting to attack the Judeo Christian tradition that made Western civilization great.

Anonymous said...

This is another gay man who has probably ravaged many vulnerable young men in the school system and the wider community. I hope he stays far from my young nephew and brother

LuciaBoy said...

I do not know this guy's sexual orientation nor am I interested. Having said that,I was hoping that the previous reactions would be poking holes in his theses and his arguments and not taking pot shots at him. While I disagree with him that all those who oppose same sex marriages are bigots one cannot discount the number of people who hold strong views against it which borders on bigotry. Some people are still evolving on the issue others are ambivalent I have had strong misgivings about it but there is no doubt that the simple "Golden Rule" is a strong argument in favor.
As a black man I cannot help but acknowledge that the same arguments that white southern christians in particular used to deny us equal civil and legal rights are the very same they advance in opposition to gay rights.
If we simply ask ourselves how would we like our children who are gay to be treated in society we might be on the other side of this issue. I believe that being gay is not a choice and just as one cannot cure blackness you cannot cure gayness and on this premise alone I do not believe that gays should be discriminated against. If you believe the bible that God saw all his creation as being good then it would be a contradiction to believe that God made the aberration of gay people.
I may have no problem with your church denying a gay couple the chance to use your church for their wedding but as a constitutional issue if they want a civil marriage they should be allowed to have it.
We heterosexuals have done a very good job undermining the institution of marriage if you look at the divorce rate and the level of adultery in our society I can hardly see how two people who love each other and want to legitimize their relationship in the eyes of the law should be a threat to the institution of marriage.

Saint Lucian at UWI said...

This article has so many holes, that it makes it clear that the writer is simply taking shots at Christianity, as opposed to making a case for the equality of gays and lesbians. While inadvertently one is equivalent to the other, the writer makes some uneducated, unresearched comments that make his true intentions clear: Bashing Christianity. I am a Christian and personally, I do not support equality for gays and lesbians. I could go into a number of reasons why, but the primary one being that it is simply an "abomination" unto the God I serve.

Having said that, the writer goes on a rant stating that Christianity has forced its religion down the throats of others with contrary religious beliefs. Had that article not been written in the context of support of homosexuality, I am certain that the author would be able to find some readily available evidence for his claims. However, writing about homosexuality precludes that argument from being used, because Christianity is NOT the only religion that considers homosexuality as sinful, abnormal behaviour.

Using that very same point, I once again seek to illuminate his true intentions. Just like the Chrisitan bigots he condemns, it is clear that the author himself is an uneducated bigot. His clear disdain for Christianity, out of all the other religions, other religions which have far stiffer penalties for homosexuality than Christianity, suggests that his support for equality for homosexuality is simply a "a cover up for his hateful, intolerant behaviour" towards Christians.

I conclude by saying that support for equality for homosexuality is the same as anti-Christianity, anti-Islam and anti any religion not in support of homosexuality. Who therefore sets the standards of what tolerance is? Who, therefore sets the standards of what is morally right and wrong? The reality is that no matter how educated that we believe ourselves, we are all bigots. We all lack tolerance for one thing or another. One brand of bigotry is no better than another.

Anonymous said...

The author did not understand the Bible or other holy books.

Nostalgic Observer said...

I agree with all five comments. I was very moved to laughter by the first and second comments

But i would like to add this: my problem with these people is their activity and not as human beings. I see them as human beings who do what they do and i do what i do. When the problem do arise is when they try to equate their activity with mine who is not gay. How could these people think they have as much rights to indulgences perpetuated by those who perpetuate the human race by reproducing itself? Of course today they can say heterosexuals are not needed to make babies as this can be done through many artificial means. This science is however very new in comparison to human existence. Had it been left to gays and lesbians mankind would have cease to exist.

I think the fact that all religions considers homosexuality an abomination is itself an indictment of the practice. But when you consider the only organisations holding it in high esteem are cults and others with dubious reputation then you are bound to conclude the practice should be permanently incarcerated.

Now the same way homosexuals don't want things shoved down their throats is the same way they should not demand that their way of life be acceptable by the wider society.

Nostalgic Observer said...

I agree with all five comments. I was very moved to laughter by the first and second comments

But i would like to add this: my problem with these people is their activity and not as human beings. I see them as human beings who do what they do and i do what i do. When the problem do arise is when they try to equate their activity with mine who is not gay. How could these people think they have as much rights to indulgences perpetuated by those who perpetuate the human race by reproducing itself? Of course today they can say heterosexuals are not needed to make babies as this can be done through many artificial means. This science is however very new in comparison to human existence. Had it been left to gays and lesbians mankind would have cease to exist.

I think the fact that all religions considers homosexuality an abomination is itself an indictment of the practice. But when you consider the only organisations holding it in high esteem are cults and others with dubious reputation then you are bound to conclude the practice should be permanently incarcerated.

Now the same way homosexuals don't want things shoved down their throats is the same way they should not demand that their way of life be acceptable by the wider society.

Unknown said...

Wow -quote "ow could these people think they have as much rights to indulgences perpetuated by those who perpetuate the human race by reproducing itself? Of course today they can say heterosexuals are not needed to make babies as this can be done through many artificial means. This science is however very new in comparison to human existence. Had it been left to gays and lesbians mankind would have cease to exist. " -

How ignorant is that statement. How many people in the world are Gay or lesbian or in between in comparison to those that are straight?? Whether someone decides to be with some one of the same or opposite sex is frankly nobody's concern. Everyone is equal Because a people have different type of sex to you it does not mean that they are sub human. They are equal. Gay people do the same things as everyone else. They are perhaps different in terms of their sexuality in comparison to the majority, but they are the same. Human. entitled to the same rights as everyone else. If being different is a criterion for being deemed as sub - human then there would have been no need for the civil rights movement for example. We see it time and time again all over the world people l want to be oppressing people simply because they differ in some small way. People need to mind their own business there would be much more love in the world of people were less ignorant and actually challenged what it they are scared of. Finally anon - (comment 2) being Gay does not equate to being a pedophile! A pedophile is is an abuser of the vulnerable. People in a gay relationship are consenting adults. Get your facts straight and stop making comments about things you clearly do not understand. How about making a more informed comment in future.