Friday, May 18, 2012

What Next - Religious Terrorism?


Anonymous said...

Another liberal fool attacking the Judeo Christian ethic that made Western Civilization great.

His failed nonsustainable voodoo views has guaranteed the backwardness of our people. Every step in the downfall of our people is led by faux intellectuals like this clown.
But then we know " empty vessels make the most noise" and we only have to look around to see the results of his "philosophy" .

Anonymous said...

Fools perish for lack of knowledge. This guy is a fool where God is concerned.

Anonymous said...

This guy definitely needs lots of prayer for he sure is going down a wrong path. His views are not one to embrace, but one that leads to disaster. He definitely needs a glimpse of Fiery pits of HELL.

Son-of-man said...

The Religion of White Supremacy has produced Self-hating Blacks in Saint Lucia, the likes that the World has not yet seen. When the SELF-HATING NEGROES above in blogs #1, 2, 3, worships his Slave-Master as his god he subconsciously perceives the perfection of god in the manifestation of the Caucasian image that represents his god. Since God is perfect and represented with a thin nose, thin lips, pale skin, the brain-damaged Negro internalizes his own features as deformities – since perfection in his own mind, is pale skinned, thin nose and the brainwashed Negro has dark skin, and wide nostrils, he hates himself as the embodiment of imperfections, and is violent in his self-hatred. God the perfect one has blond hair the Negro's NAPPY; he is an inferior creation diseased with the Psychiatric illness of the INFERIORITY COMPLEX. He is a danger to himself and all things that reminds him of his inferior station in life – he hates his beautiful African woman, hates his African religions, and would love nothing more than to marry a pale skinned female.

God has commanded humans to multiply through marriage. These SELF-HATING NEGROES above in blogs #1, 2, 3, can never see that the celibacy of the priest is perverted and contradicts God's command, but will be quick to find fault with a religion not sanctioned by their Caucasian god, and prepared to inflict violence upon Mr Joseph.

Anonymous said...

"Religious" people in St. Lucia are the nastiest.
Do not go to their cheap shows and if you do, leave before the guy collecting dollar bills comes.

Son-of-man said...

It is astonishing how the Eurocentric Mis-Education has driven the Negro into La Toc. Blogger # 1 uses Voodoo to disparage Mr. Joseph, but is oblivious to his own degenerate practices of CANNIBALISM. According to Catholicism, these Negroes are monumental hypocrites or Cannibals – Bloggers #1,2,3 what category do you squeeze into? Either you believe you drink blood and eat human flesh, or you're faking/hypocrite.

According to Church teachings:

347. What happened when Our Lord said: "This is My body . . . this is My blood"? When Our Lord said, "This is My body," the entire substance of the bread was changed into His body; and when He said, "This is My blood," the entire substance of the wine was changed into His blood.
(a) Christ could not have used clearer, more explicit words than "This is My body." He did not say, "This is a sign of My body," or "This represents My body," but, "This is My body." Catholics take Christ at His word because He is the omnipotent God. On His word they know that the Holy Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ.

Cannibal: A person who eats the flesh of human beings.
Since Jesus represents an actual human being, and I ate him, that made me a cannibal. And if you have ever undergone communion, then you too fall into that category.
The Church tricked me and turned me into a cannibal!
Not only did I drink blood and eat flesh, but they made me do it in front of a statue of a bloody corpse hanging by nails on two pieces of lumber, a representation of the human whom I had just eaten. (Imagine eating a hamburger in front of an image of a freshly slain cow.)

What did the hypocrite-cannibal say about voodoo? “Ou ka man-jae la poe vi-yan poowee, vieux marco”

Anonymous said...

I wonder what we believed in before slavery.

Anonymous said...

Son of man, there definitely seem to be a war between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. The God who made the universe is not a God who is black, white, religious etc. but one who created all humanity. He does not have a thin nose, not Caucasian etc. You are totally missing it. You seem to harbor darkness and hatred in your soul. I am sorry to say that your views reflects that of the kingdom of darkness. It reminds of a Coven I came across accidentally who had similar views and did all sorts of wickedness trying to destroy individuals.

Anonymous said...

Son of man, do not look at issues of race, man's written philosophy, religion, Christians, Christianity, Voodoo etc. You need to go and find God for your yourself. The world that you see is not what it is and what it is play out to be. This is just deceitful humanistic views and education. You have a soul and spirit that lives on when you die, GO and figure out where will it go after you pass on.

Son-of-man said...

If color does not matter let us make a statue of Stephenson King and take down that White god in the Church by the Square then we can have a nice God with big lips black skin and a big nose? LOL
You would die first before you pray to a Black African- hu? But you just love your little white Jesus son-of-god? Oh how you hate yourselves. Who taught you to hate yourselves? Who taught you to drink BLOOD?

John 6:53-55
King James Version (KJV)
53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.


Anonymous said...

Son of man, there are obvious signs that your diabolical views has cause you to be insane.Your logics are those of a complete mad man. The God who created the universe and does not think like us humans still love you. I will not bow down to no man but God. I did not come from a religious home, no man did not tell me about God. I had a personal encounter with Him through unexplained dreams, visions and the paranormal.God is real and everything in the word of God is true. Satan is also real. You speak your views now, but I pity once you leave this earth. You will then realize that everything said about God was true.It will be too late.I pray that God open your eyes, and allow you to see His Power.

Son-of-man said...

I am a madman? Because I don't practice CANNIBALISM? While God appears to you in visions? I'm I missing something here, oh self proclaimed inhabitant of Heavenly Paradise? You have proved Mr. Joseph's article manifest truth.
Oh that First Communion soup – unforgettable! That was the day when I first tasted Human flesh and drank human BLOOD – the BLOOD of Jesus! Later in life I found that I had much in common with my VAMPIRE brethren since we all needed BLOOD to have eternal life! live forever. ( John 6:54  Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life.) However I found that sucking human BLOOD was actually more fun than drinking it in the manner we practiced in church, so I became a VAMPIRE joining "the kingdom of darkness" reducing my practice of CANNIBALISM - only eating human flesh and drinking their BLOOD on rare occasions. So we didn't need the big show with all the costumes of Count Dracula after all – why do these agents of Lucifer wear such elaborate costumes? Is this a maneuver to “veer-glay” the Black and uncivilized Africans? imps of Satan? These cloaks of Dracula? This “Maa-gee Noir”? Kingdom of Darkness you say? – it's easier to suck the blood.

Anonymous said...

son of man you definitely get part of your wisdom from the white doctrine, because everyone's knowledge has somehow been influenced by theirs unless you came from under a rock. You obviously sounds like a voodoo priest, those who come after me at nights in the spirit and pretend to be good during the day.

Son-of-man said...

My Lucian brother if you are ignorant to what took place at the “Council of Nicea” you must! please? At a minimum assess this short lecture by Dr. Hagin: Council of Nicea pt.2 – just copy and paste on youtube. I am of the opinion that you've heard of the “Apostles Creed”; how was it invented? Don't be afraid of knowledge – One can learn, even from the foolish – how not to be foolish.
I truly feel great empathy towards the three of you; Blogger # 1, 2, 3. I am fully cognizant of the mental and physical damage inflicted upon the peoples of the planet through the process of White Supremacy having its foundation firmly established in the religion of White supremacy. A religion that indoctrinates the vulnerable into Demonic worship. Have you ever, I mean ever, sat on the beach at Vieux Fort and attempted in reflection to understand how/why the Atlantic ocean is kept filled? Or why the earth is barren, then the blessed rain mingles with the dead earth and behold it springs to life with the food you eat? Instead you worship a Caucasian man-god, who got a man's wife pregnant, to pay the “price” to Satan for your sins. God Incarnate, God in person, Owner of the Galaxies! Creator of Death and Life, dies to save the World? This bogus man-god is killed by the Romans with spears and nails then hung naked on two pieces of lumber – god dies on Good Friday at 12 noon for three days? 12 noon Friday to 12 noon Saturday = 1 day; Saturday to Sunday 3 AM = Three days? Named Easter after the “La-ja-bless” fertility pagan goddess Estor? And you deprecate Voodoo, while believing that Caucasians taught you all you know? Even believing the Caucasian-man-god taught the Whales and Birds their language? And the humming bird how to construct a nest?

Look! Jokes aside it is not my intension to make light of this matter – Religion and Politics are never easy topics – people get emotional and objectivity suffers; but does three days = 40 hours? Take a look at Council of Nicea pt.2 and tell me what you think?

Anonymous said...

Son of man, I did watch the video. I am an educator myself. I know of these philosophies. I work and produce knowledge. I work with many Afrocentric and Eurocentric philosophies. Some I believe and some I don't because I see and know what many are involved in behind close doors to produce their knowledge. No one cannot convince me that the God of this universe do not exist, because of MY personal encounters with Him and also the work of darkness. I urge you that you should not just take man's philosophy at face value. Dig deeper and look at both sides of the coin before you come to your hypothesis.Everyone creates knowledge from someone else's ideology,and for their own gain and recognition. What's your original ideology.

Used to be St lucian said...

Son of man you have reached a platform of understandindg that the anonymouses 123+ have to lift their heads up high to locate you for they are so very far below. After 400+ years of brainwash of these people it is almost impossible for them be purged of the Eurocentric conditioning of the minds. Someone asked the question,"wonder what we believed in before slavery?" that's a very interesting question for the brainwashed crew to ponder, maybe this will get them out of their deep sleep. There is this guy who said he is an educator,judging on his writings he is not knowledgeable and qualified to teach anyone he is doing a whole lot of harm to the minds of those he educates and that's a problem for St Lucia. He says he works and produces knowledge, he should keep that knowledge himself and not share it for it is toxic to the minds of others. He calls what son of man wrote a hypothesis; what son of man wrote are facts, reality. OK, he is right, a hypothesis for the brainwashed like himself and anonymous 1,2,3,. The most brainwashed of all is anonymous 1 saying Judeo Christian ethic made Western Civilization great, he has apoint there for Western Civilization used religion to enter other lands plundering, massacring the people making them their subjects and stealing their natural resources What else made Western Civilization great is the slave trade of which his ancestors labored for free. Oh man! these people are so brainwashed got to leave them alone to die in ignorance, they feel so comfortable in their dark cages, just hope they do not teach their kids this BS that resides in the washed up brains.

Hopeful said... just have to experience God for yourself> I know he is alive and well.I am excited for you..what a wonderful experience you will have. Jesus is alive always and forever..Amen

Anonymous said...

Hopeful you could not have said it any better.At His name every knee shall bow. At His name demons tremble.

Anonymous said...

Is this I saw what you did last night little hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

The problem is much worst than the ramblings of this clown.

The problem is that much of this garbage is supported by the liberal UWI so called intellectuals that populate our society. The same liberals who have led our Caribbean countries on the downward path for the last 40 years and supported the destruction of the family.

The Prime Minister's wife is a firm beliver in all the anti Judeo Christian policies of the leftist ideology like abortion, legalization of prostitution and same sex marriage.

Menisa Ranbally is going to be appointed as Ambassador to the UN to support and vote yeas on all the anti family anti christian views of this government.

So it is not this clown who is the problem it is that his destructive views are the policies of this Government that will be hidden depending on the political repercussions.

Anonymous said...

May God has mercy on their souls. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20

Son-of-man said...

One of the obvious detriments in the practice of worshiping God in the image of a Caucasian is the excoriation of the victim, the so-called Negro, of his/her self-respect. Any individual who tenders the worship and supplication of a dead Caucasian [WHITE MAN} as the standard of morality is hypocritical or worse, delusional. The deluded Negro as if he were Saul, blinded by the darkness of this Demonic dogma and practices of the Religion that sold these Africans into Chattel Slavery, will defend his Slave-Master with his last breath.

As stated in Mr. Joseph's article, the Religion of White Supremacy along with their imps, these “Sellout” Negroes, is a Perverted Criminal Enterprise responsible for the ruin, Raping and Sodomizing millions of children – the greatest Ring of Criminal-Pedophiles in the history of humanity. That the Catholic Church is guilty of widespread RAPE and BULLING is undeniable. A few years ago there was a spate of news items when sexual abuse cases first surfaced in Boston and a few other cities. Media coverage since then has withered but the issue has not. Just the opposite. In 2011 allegations of sexual abuse of minors have spread to 26 countries. In just one case in the United States the Church agreed to pay $250 million in compensation to about 700 abused little boys and little girls. The Netherlands has documented almost 2000 cases. How many of your little boys and girls in Saint Lucia are the victims of these PERVERTS?

Yet these ignorant and self-deprecating “Subjects of Her Majesty” the Chief-of-Pirates, stripped of all SELF-DIGNITY, continue to whistle in the darkness the extinct hymn extolling the greatness of the “Judeo- Christian”. Who are the real JESTERS here?

Anonymous said...

Son of man You are the real Jester here. Without Christ you are nothing. Amos 6:1 “Woe to those who are at ease in Zion, and to those who feel secure on the mountain of Samaria.

Anonymous said...

Were those comments here about Bachelor's Article? I am a bit lost. From where I stand, what Bachelor wrote are very logical questions. Those questions that he asked and the observations that he made, points to a man with more Godliness in him than he knows or we are prepared to admit. The challenge for the christians is to prove to him that there is a God and christianity is relevant. If the christian can't do that, then he is worse than what he thinks of Bachelor.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting but I did not get the part where you gave a solution to the present day problems that we are facing. This is a modern society where we are free to believe in whatever they please so that they can fall asleep at night.
I believe in God and the Bible, would have appreciated the writer to say what he believes instead of criticizing others beliefs.