Saturday, July 21, 2012

Are we looking from within or without?


Anonymous said...

We have boasted the achievements of our Nobel Prize winners,

Boy, you take a lot for granted. Our Nobel laureates are not products of the Saint Lucian education system.

Get a hold of this again. Our Nobel laureates are not products of the Saint Lucian education system.

In fact, with our extremely anti-intellectual cultural norm on which our worshipped talk show hosts pride themselves, they survived and overcame the system's shortcomings!

If those persons had not gone overseas, or had not had an opportunity to go overseas, they would not have been able to distinguish themselves, as they did.

If you and many of us Saint Lucians were really honest, we would give the credit to the overseas educational institutions they attended for helping to bring out the best in those two people.

We are always kidding ourselves with this myth.

How do you explain, that the PM of this country in the 21st century was an errand boy in the office of a lawyer barely able to read the speeches written for him? Compton made it a point to surround himself with broomsticks. Because this particular broomstick was given a ministry does not alter things one bit.

Here is another for our usual empty boast. One of our MPs had his highest education qualification as a truck driver?

You're kidding most of the time? Aren't you?

Do you seriously believe or look in the mirror and convince yourself, that the mass of trivia that you write on a weekly basis in the media, can ever drive this country forward to greatness? Do you?

Anonymous said...

We have boasted the achievements of our Nobel Prize winners,

Boy, you take a lot for granted. Our Nobel laureates are not products of the Saint Lucian education system.

Get a hold of this again. Our Nobel laureates are not products of the Saint Lucian education system.

In fact, with our extremely anti-intellectual cultural norm on which our worshipped talk show hosts pride themselves, they survived and overcame the system's shortcomings!

If those persons had not gone overseas, or had not had an opportunity to go overseas, they would not have been able to distinguish themselves, as they did.

If you and many of us Saint Lucians were really honest, we would give the credit to the overseas educational institutions they attended for helping to bring out the best in those two people.

We are always kidding ourselves with this myth.

How do you explain, that the PM of this country in the 21st century was an errand boy in the office of a lawyer barely able to read the speeches written for him? Compton made it a point to surround himself with broomsticks. Because this particular broomstick was given a ministry does not alter things one bit.

Here is another for our usual empty boast. One of our MPs had his highest education qualification as a truck driver?

You're kidding most of the time? Aren't you?

Do you seriously believe or look in the mirror and convince yourself, that the mass of trivia that you write on a weekly basis in the media, can ever drive this country forward to greatness? Do you?

Anonymous said...

The Nobel Laureates are not products of the education system in St. Lucia? I guess none of the education they received prior to leaving our shores count? They never attended school in St. Lucia before they left?

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget that Africa has a great deal of natural resources but yet it produces a few of the poorest nations in the world. I will equate this to stlucia as it produced 2 noble laureates, however, this island seem to be infested with morons and idiots

Anonymous said...

The teeming thousands of morons and idiots created by John Compton, Fairty and Tee Tom have become the social maggots in the Grave Yard, the CDC buildings, New Village and in Grass Street.

UWP's US ex-convict on the sidelines just a bit, all this is continuously fed by our beloved and admired Nationwide Maggot in Chief, the Honourable UWP Drug Baron.

Yeah man! He is still sitting in parliament, with his dummy sitting comfortably on his lap, making their ventriloquistic noises from their La Clery headquarters.