Saturday, July 21, 2012

Constitutional Bulldogs?


Anonymous said...

Well earl, I am glad that you reminded everyone about "the incredible powers of the Governor General," the PM is only the Head of Government but the GG represents Her Majesty who is the Head of State of Saint Lucia.
I hope Kenny gets it this time before he screws up again.

Anonymous said...

Earl if Kenny were to follow all that you are saying, then I expect that Kenny will declare a state of emergency very, very, soon!

Is he going to wreck the economy to accomplish that? You have to have a 75% majority passing the motion in parliament to remove the PSC.

Did you know that, political pigmy? Sorry! Political pundit?

Anonymous said...

@ 5:50
I suspect you might be joking and poking fun at Earl. However it is widely believe here that Earl ain't joking. Earl is an agent for Kenny's ideology. They intend to declare a state of emergency first and then make St. Lucia a totalitarian state. At present Earl is attacking, seeking to destroy a certain key institution under the Constitution of Saint. Lucia!

Anonymous said...

The PSC is part of the safeguards or "entrenched" sections of the constitution.

It was placed there such that the former colonies of Britain would have some level of protection from tin pot dictators.

They can do away with the PSC with very large parliamentary majorities, like 16-to-1, or by suspending the constitution.

Cast your mind back to Maurice Bishop and the gang of thugs in Grenada, who shot up his body, and wasted him, disposing his remains ... nobody knows where up to this day ... in order to get a clearer picture.

Anonymous said...

Earl was involved in the Grenada revolution; he probably knew what happened to Bishop. He came back to St. Lucia as an unrepentant SOB. He now lives in government assisted housing and probably has not paid in cent in tax all his working adult life. Talking about milking the democratic cow!!!

Anonymous said...

Constitutional bulldogs or constitutional barbarians? Morons even.

Anonymous said...

So interesting that each and every SOB upstairs here has only chosen to criticize Mr. Bousquet, while not one of you SOBs has even bothered to take up the matter of an unholy PSC that refused to resign with RESPECT as demanded by the tradition after every elections. That's just how St. Lucian SOBs behave in the name of politics. OH HOW I MISS JOHN COMPTON!!!!!!!! Any PSC would have run away into the sea, before Compy even breathed, after he had won his elections!!! Kenny is too f...g NICE!!!!

Anonymous said...

You @July 23, 2012 4:06 PM

Are you wearing animal bones in your nostrils? A loin cloth? Are you all dressed with a spear with a flint? A shield made of animal skin perhaps? War paint and tribal marks to boot?

Boy you sound like you have just emerged from the thick undergrowth of an African forest.

Is Kenny your tribal chief?

If the selection of people to the PSC is a 'consultative' process and Kenny did not even squawk at the selection. Labour never changed the leadership of the party.

People in Vieux Fort claim that he is a white man sent by God to lead them.

And if the PSC is selected for a particular term which has not yet ended, how the hell do expect that because KENNY, or is it Tony is unhappy with the personnel NOW, they have to resign en masse?

Is your tribal leader's behaviour not schizophrenic?

Anonymous said...

@July 23, 2012 4:06 PM

Yes indeed. This Saint Lucian is like his forefathers. He is a sucker for personal exploitation.

Just like his foreparents during the planation period, he would happily trade one slave master for another but not seek his personal freedom. Smart ass!

Anonymous said...

Kenny, Earl and Claudius know the truth that the PSC was appointed by the Governor General under the provision of Saint Lucia's Constitution. This appointment is for a specific term which has not ended. The three of them seem to want to perpetrate the belief among some loud-mouth supporters that the PSC must resign with the change of government. Why not inform the public the truth? Of course a change of the composition of the PSC would allow them to seek the appointment of their disciples and milk the national cow! I think God will intervene at some stage to save Saint Lucia from further destruction from these men.